SCOM 2012: UNIX/Linux Authoring Library MP Reference - Data Source Modules
Data Source Modules
This reference describes Data Source composite modules in the UNIX/Linux Authoring Library example Management Pack.
Scheduled Data Sources
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Command Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellCommand.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type that runs a shell command through a WS-Management invocation. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.WSManagement.WSManData |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellCommand |
String |
The “shell command” to execute on the remote host. See the Appendix section for discussion of quotes and special characters. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the command runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
An optional Expression that can be used for workflow filtering. If an expression is provided, the workflow will be dropped if the expression is not matched. This is useful for error-handling. The optional expression filter is the last module in the composite module sequence. |
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Command Property Bag Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellCommand.PropertyBag.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type that runs a shell command through a WS-Management invocation and passes the output to a Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe probe action. The PowerShell Property Bag probe can be used to parse and manipulate output from the shell command. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.PropertyBagData |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellCommand |
String |
The “shell command” to execute on the remote host. See the Appendix section for discussion of quotes and special characters. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the command runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
PSScriptName |
String |
The name given to the PowerShell script |
PSScriptBody |
String |
The body of the PowerShell script. In order to reference output from the shell command, the script must start with:
$bag = $api.CreatePropertyBag() $bag.AddValue("Name","Value") $bag |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
An optional Expression that can be used for workflow filtering. If an expression is provided, the workflow will be dropped if the expression is not matched. This is useful for error-handling. The optional expression filter is the last module in the composite module sequence. |
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Script Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellScript.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type that runs a shell script through a WS-Management invocation. The shell script is transferred to the UNIX/Linux host for each invocation. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.WSManagement.WSManData |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellScript |
String |
The contents of the shell script to execute on the remote host. |
ScriptArguments |
String |
Command line arguments to be passed to the script. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the script runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
An optional Expression that can be used for workflow filtering. If an expression is provided, the workflow will be dropped if the expression is not matched. This is useful for error-handling. The optional expression filter is the last module in the composite module sequence. |
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Script Property Bag Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellScript.PropertyBag.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type that runs a shell command through a WS-Management invocation and passes the output to a Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe probe action. The PowerShell Property Bag probe can be used to parse and manipulate output from the shell command. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.PropertyBagData |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellScript |
String |
The contents of the shell script to execute on the remote host. |
ScriptArguments |
String |
Command line arguments to be passed to the script. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the script runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
PSScriptName |
String |
The name given to the PowerShell script |
PSScriptBody |
String |
The body of the PowerShell script. In order to reference output from the shell command, the script must start with:
$bag = $api.CreatePropertyBag() $bag.AddValue("Name","Value") $bag
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
An optional Expression that can be used for workflow filtering. If an expression is provided, the workflow will be dropped if the expression is not matched. This is useful for error-handling. The optional expression filter is the last module in the composite module sequence. |
UNIX/Linux Correlated Log File Data Source
ID |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type for monitoring UNIX/Linux log files with two correlated Regular Expressions. The data source outputs data only when both expressions are matched within the defined correlation interval. This data source can be used for multi-line expression correlationin UNIX/Linux log file monitoring. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.WSManagement.WSManData |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
LogFile |
String |
The full path to the log file. String wild cards are not supported. |
FirstLogExpression |
String |
A Regular Expression used in parsing the log file. This is correlated with the Regular Expression defined as SecondLogExpression. Both expressions must be matched in the log file within the time defined by the CorrelationInterval value. FirstLogExpression and SecondLogExpression can be matched in any order in the log file. |
SecondLogExpression |
String |
A Regular Expression used in parsing the log file. This is correlated with the Regular Expression defined as FirstLogExpression. Both expressions must be matched in the log file within the time defined by the CorrelationInterval value. FirstLogExpression and SecondLogExpression can be matched in any order in the log file. |
CorrelationInterval |
Integer |
The time interval (in seconds), in which FirstLogExpression and SecondLogExpression must both be matched within the log file in order to produce the DataItem. Because log file parsing runs at five minute intervals, CorrelationInterval should be set in increments of 300 seconds (e.g. 600, 900, 1800, 9000, etc). |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
An optional Expression that can be used for workflow filtering. If an expression is provided, the workflow will be dropped if the expression is not matched. |
IndividualAlerts |
Boolean |
Controls the log file monitoring behavior when multiple lines match a Regular Expression in a single polling interval. If set to True, each matched line is treated as a single DataItem. If set to False, one DataItem contains all matched lines. |
Example |
<Rule ID="MyMP.CorrelatedLog.ExampleRule" Target="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer" Enabled="true" Remotable="true"> <Category>EventCollection</Category> <DataSources> <DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="UnixAuth!Unix.Authoring.CorrelatedLogFile.DataSource"> <TargetSystem> $Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ </TargetSystem> <UserName>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.PrivilegedAccount"]/UserName$</UserName> <Password>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.PrivilegedAccount"]/Password$</Password> <LogFile>/tmp/logfile</LogFile> <FirstLogExpression>firststring</FirstLogExpression> <SecondLogExpression>secondstring</SecondLogExpression> <CorrelationInterval>1800</CorrelationInterval> <IndividualAlerts>true</IndividualAlerts> </DataSource> </DataSources> <WriteActions> <WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert"> <Priority>1</Priority> <Severity>0</Severity> <AlertMessageId> $MPElement[Name="MyMP.CorrelatedLog.ExampleRule.AlertMessage"]$ </AlertMessageId> <AlertParameters> <AlertParameter1>$Data///EventDescription$</AlertParameter1> </AlertParameters> <Suppression> <SuppressionValue /> </Suppression> </WriteAction> </WriteActions> </Rule>
Scheduled Discovery Data Sources
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Command Discovery Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellCommand.Discovery.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type, for use in discoveries, which runs a shell command through a WS-Management invocation. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.Discovery.Data |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellCommand |
String |
The “shell command” to execute on the remote host. See the Appendix section for discussion of quotes and special characters. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the command runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
A mandatory Expression for workflow filtering. The expression must be matched in order for the instance to be discovered. The expression filter is the last module in the sequence of the workflow prior to mapping of the discovery data. |
ClassId |
String |
The ID of the class to discover. Example syntax:
InstanceSettings |
Settings Type |
The Instance Settings specification for the discovered class instance and its properties. Example syntax: <Settings> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='#ClassID#']/#Property#$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> |
Example |
<Discovery ID="MyMp.MyRole.Discovery" Target="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer" Enabled="true" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal"> <Category>Discovery</Category> <DiscoveryTypes> <DiscoveryClass TypeID="MyMP.MyRole"> <Property TypeID="MyMP.MyRole" PropertyID="RoleName" /> </DiscoveryClass> </DiscoveryTypes> <DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="UnixAuth!Unix.Authoring.TimedShellCommand.Discovery.DataSource"> <Interval>28800</Interval> <TargetSystem>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$</TargetSystem> <ShellCommand>ls -d /etc |wc -l</ShellCommand> <Timeout>60</Timeout> <UserName>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/UserName$</UserName> <Password>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/Password$</Password> <FilterExpression> <RegExExpression> <ValueExpression> <XPathQuery>//*[local-name()="StdOut"]</XPathQuery> </ValueExpression> <Operator>MatchesRegularExpression</Operator> <Pattern>1</Pattern> </RegExExpression> </FilterExpression> <ClassId>$MPElement[Name="MyMP.MyRole"]$</ClassId> <InstanceSettings> <Settings> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='MyMP.MyRole']/RoleName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer']/PrincipalName$</Name> <Value>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/PrincipalName$</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> </DataSource> </Discovery>
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Command Property Bag Discovery Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellCommand.PropertyBag.Discovery.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type, for use in discoveries, which runs a shell command through a WS-Management invocation and passes the output to a Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe probe action. The PowerShell Property Bag probe can be used to parse and manipulate output from the shell command. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.Discovery.Data |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellCommand |
String |
The “shell command” to execute on the remote host. See the Appendix section for discussion of quotes and special characters. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the command runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
PSScriptName |
String |
The name given to the PowerShell script |
PSScriptBody |
String |
The body of the PowerShell script. In order to reference output from the shell command, the script must start with:
$bag = $api.CreatePropertyBag() $bag.AddValue("Name","Value") $bag |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
A mandatory Expression for workflow filtering. The expression must be matched in order for the instance to be discovered. The expression filter is the last module in the sequence of the workflow prior to mapping of the discovery data. |
ClassId |
String |
The ID of the class to discover. Example syntax:
InstanceSettings |
Settings Type |
The Instance Settings specification for the discovered class instance and its properties. Example syntax: <Settings> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='#ClassID#']/#Property#$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> |
Example |
<Discovery ID="MyMp.MyRole.Discovery" Target="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer" Enabled="true" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal"> <Category>Discovery</Category> <DiscoveryTypes> <DiscoveryClass TypeID="MyMP.MyRole"> <Property TypeID="MyMP.MyRole" PropertyID="RoleName" /> </DiscoveryClass> </DiscoveryTypes> <DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="UnixAuth!Unix.Authoring.TimedShellCommand.PropertyBag.Discovery.DataSource"> <Interval>60</Interval> <TargetSystem>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$</TargetSystem> <ShellCommand>ls -d /etc |wc -l</ShellCommand> <Timeout>60</Timeout> <UserName>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/UserName$</UserName> <Password>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/Password$</Password> <PSScriptName>MyPSScript.ps1</PSScriptName> <PSScriptBody> param([string]$StdOut,[string]$StdErr,[string]$ReturnCode) if ($ReturnCode -eq "0"){ $api = New-Object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI' $bag = $api.CreatePropertyBag() $bag.AddValue("MyProperty","$StdOut") $bag } </PSScriptBody> <FilterExpression> <RegExExpression> <ValueExpression> <XPathQuery>Property[@Name='MyProperty']</XPathQuery> </ValueExpression> <Operator>MatchesRegularExpression</Operator> <Pattern>1</Pattern> </RegExExpression> </FilterExpression> <ClassId>$MPElement[Name="MyMP.MyRole"]$</ClassId> <InstanceSettings> <Settings> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='MyMP.MyRole']/RoleName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer']/PrincipalName$</Name> <Value>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/PrincipalName$</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> </DataSource> </Discovery>
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Script Discovery Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellScript.Discovery.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type, for use in discoveries, which runs a shell script through a WS-Management invocation. The shell script is transferred to the UNIX/Linux host for each invocation. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.Discovery.Data |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellScript |
String |
The contents of the shell script to execute on the remote host. |
ScriptArguments |
String |
Command line arguments to be passed to the script. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the command runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
PSScriptName |
String |
The name given to the PowerShell script |
PSScriptBody |
String |
The body of the PowerShell script. In order to reference output from the shell command, the script must start with:
$bag = $api.CreatePropertyBag() $bag.AddValue("Name","Value") $bag |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
A mandatory Expression for workflow filtering. The expression must be matched in order for the instance to be discovered. The expression filter is the last module in the sequence of the workflow prior to mapping of the discovery data. |
ClassId |
String |
The ID of the class to discover. Example syntax:
InstanceSettings |
Settings Type |
The Instance Settings specification for the discovered class instance and its properties. Example syntax: <Settings> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='#ClassID#']/#Property#$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> |
Example |
<Discovery ID="MyMp.MyRole.Discovery" Target="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer" Enabled="true" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal"> <Category>Discovery</Category> <DiscoveryTypes> <DiscoveryClass TypeID="MyMP.MyRole"> <Property TypeID="MyMP.MyRole" PropertyID="RoleName" /> </DiscoveryClass> </DiscoveryTypes> <DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="UnixAuth!Unix.Authoring.TimedShellScript.Discovery.DataSource"> <Interval>28800</Interval> <TargetSystem>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$</TargetSystem> <ShellScript> <![CDATA[ test=`ls -d $1 |wc -l` echo $test ]]> </ShellScript> <ScriptArguments>/etc</ScriptArguments> <Timeout>60</Timeout> <UserName>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/UserName$</UserName> <Password>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/Password$</Password> <FilterExpression> <RegExExpression> <ValueExpression> <XPathQuery>//*[local-name()="StdOut"]</XPathQuery> </ValueExpression> <Operator>MatchesRegularExpression</Operator> <Pattern>1</Pattern> </RegExExpression> </FilterExpression> <ClassId>$MPElement[Name="MyMP.MyRole"]$</ClassId> <InstanceSettings> <Settings> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='MyMP.MyRole']/RoleName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer']/PrincipalName$</Name> <Value>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/PrincipalName$</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> </DataSource> </Discovery>
UNIX/Linux Timed Shell Script Property Bag Discovery Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.TimedShellScript.PropertyBag.Discovery.DataSource |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type, for use in discoveries, which runs a shell script through a WS-Management invocation and passes the output to a Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe probe action. The PowerShell Property Bag probe can be used to parse and manipulate output from the shell command. The shell script is transferred to the UNIX/Linux host for each invocation. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.Discovery.Data |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
TargetSystem |
String |
The target system for the monitor. Typically: $Target/#HostReferences#/Property[Type="#Unix Library Alias#!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$ |
ShellScript |
String |
The contents of the shell script to execute on the remote host. |
ScriptArguments |
String |
Command line arguments to be passed to the script. |
Timeout |
Integer |
Timeout (in seconds). If the command runs for longer than the timeout, its process is stopped without waiting for completion. |
UserName |
String |
The Run As reference providing the UserName of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/UserName$ |
Password |
String |
The Run As reference providing the Password of the user that will run the command/script. $RunAs[Name="#MP Alias#!#Profile Name"]/Password$ |
FilterExpression |
Expression Type |
A mandatory Expression for workflow filtering. The expression must be matched in order for the instance to be discovered. The expression filter is the last module in the sequence of the workflow prior to mapping of the discovery data. |
ClassId |
String |
The ID of the class to discover. Example syntax:
InstanceSettings |
Settings Type |
The Instance Settings specification for the discovered class instance and its properties. Example syntax: <Settings> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='#ClassID#']/#Property#$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name> $MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$ </Name> <Value>#Value#</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> |
Example |
<Discovery ID="MyMp.MyRole.Discovery" Target="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer" Enabled="true" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal"> <Category>Discovery</Category> <DiscoveryTypes> <DiscoveryClass TypeID="MyMP.MyRole"> <Property TypeID="MyMP.MyRole" PropertyID="RoleName" /> </DiscoveryClass> </DiscoveryTypes> <DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="UnixAuth!Unix.Authoring.TimedShellScript.PropertyBag.Discovery.DataSource"> <Interval>28800</Interval> <TargetSystem>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/NetworkName$</TargetSystem> <ShellScript> <![CDATA[ test=`ls -d $1 |wc -l` echo $test ]]> </ShellScript> <ScriptArguments>/etc</ScriptArguments> <Timeout>60</Timeout> <UserName>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/UserName$</UserName> <Password>$RunAs[Name="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccount"]/Password$</Password> <PSScriptName>MyPSScript.ps1</PSScriptName> <PSScriptBody> <![CDATA[ param([string]$StdOut,[string]$StdErr,[string]$ReturnCode) if ($ReturnCode -eq "0"){ $api = New-Object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI' $bag = $api.CreatePropertyBag() $bag.AddValue("MyProperty","$StdOut") $bag } ]]> </PSScriptBody> <FilterExpression> <RegExExpression> <ValueExpression> <XPathQuery>Property[@Name='MyProperty']</XPathQuery> </ValueExpression> <Operator>MatchesRegularExpression</Operator> <Pattern>1</Pattern> </RegExExpression> </FilterExpression> <ClassId>$MPElement[Name="MyMP.MyRole"]$</ClassId> <InstanceSettings> <Settings> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='MyMP.MyRole']/RoleName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer']/PrincipalName$</Name> <Value>$Target/Property[Type="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer"]/PrincipalName$</Value> </Setting> <Setting> <Name>$MPElement[Name='System!System.Entity']/DisplayName$</Name> <Value>My Role</Value> </Setting> </Settings> </InstanceSettings> </DataSource> </Discovery>
UNIX/Linux Timed Class Snapshot Data Mapper Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.ScheduledClassSnapshotDataMapper |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type, for use in discoveries, which implements snapshot discovery for instances of a class. See the System.Discovery.ClassSnapshotDataMapper documentation for more information. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.Discovery.Data |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
ClassId |
String |
The ID of the class to discover. |
InstanceSettings |
SettingsType |
The InstanceSettings for the class instance |
UNIX/Linux Timed Relationship Snapshot Data Mapper Data Source
ID |
Unix.Authoring.ScheduledRelationshipSnapshotDataMapper |
Description |
A scheduled data source module type, for use in discoveries, which implements snapshot discovery for instances of a relationship. See the System.Discovery.RelationshipSnapshotDataMapper documentation for more information. |
Input |
System.BaseData |
Output |
System.Discovery.Data |
Configuration |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Interval |
Integer |
The frequency interval, in seconds, at which the data source will run. |
RelationshipId |
String |
The ID of the relationship to discover. |
SourceTypeId |
String |
The ID of the Source class type |
TargetTypeId |
String |
The ID of the Target class type |
SourceRoleSettings |
SettingsType |
The optional Instance Settings for the Source class type |
TargetRoleSettings |
SettingsType |
The optional Instance Settings for the Target class type |
RelationshipInstanceSettings |
SettingsType |
The optional Instance Settings for the Relationship |