Exchange 2007 Frequently Asked Questions
The content on this Wiki page was migrated from the old Wiki.
Feel free to post any questions related to Exchange or this site here. Of course, if you know the answer to a question please post it as everyone will benefit from your knowledge.
- Definitions - Lookup the meaning of specific Exchange related words
- Ask a Question - You can pose questions to the community here
- Exchange 2007 Wiki FAQ - Questions about the wiki and how to get started
- Miscellaneous FAQs - Miscellaneous and hard to categorize Exchange technical topics
- PowerShell FAQs - This page is dedicated to PowerShell topics
- Setup FAQs - Covers deployment and common setup topics
- Recipient Management FAQs - Covers recipient questions, Address lists, RUS topics
- Transport FAQs - Covers transport-related questions, connectors, mailflow, DSNs topics
- Calendaring FAQs - Calendaring, autoaccept, resource mailboxes and autodiscover topics
- Availability Service FAQs - FAQ for the new Availibility Service
- Unified Messaging FAQs - Q&A for the new Unified Messaging functionality
- Store FAQs - Store, Mailbox, and performance topics
- High Availability FAQs - High Availability, clustering, disaster recovery topics
- Exchange Search FAQs - FAQ for Exchange Search
- OWA and Client Access FAQs - OWA and Client Access Server topics
Q: Why is "Out Of Office" called an "OOF" and not an "OOO" ?
A: The answer is posted on the Exchange team blog at
Q: How do I move 5000 mailboxes (users named user1...user5000) from one mailbox database to another ?
A: Try one of the following one-liners in PowerShell:
1..5000 | foreach { get-mailbox "user$_" | move-mailbox -targetdatabase targetdbname -confirm:$false }
get-mailbox -filter { Name -like 'user*' } -resultsize Unlimited | move-mailbox -targetdatabase targetdbname -confirm:$false
This is a little more efficient because it uses server side filtering and the multithreaded support in move-mailbox