Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) PowerShell Examples
Examples of what you can do with Active Directory PowerShell related to certificate management in Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS)
Update User Certificates
You can create a X509Certificate (or X509Certificate2) object using the certificate file.
PS C:\> $cert1 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate "C:\Certs\Test1.cer"
PS C:\> $cert2 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate "C:\Certs\Test2.cer"
Then assign the certificates to a user account while creating it.
PS C:\> $certs = $cert1,$cert2 #create certificate array
PS C:\> New-ADUser -Name TestUser1 -SamAccountName TestUser1 -Certificates $certs
Note: Parameter Certificates updates the LDAP attribute userCertificate.
You can also assign the certificates to an existing user account.
PS C:\> Set-ADUser TestUser1 -Certificates @{Replace=$cert1,$cert2}
View User Certificates
You can fetch the certificates of an existing user.
PS C:\> $user1 = Get-ADUser TestUser1 -Properties "Certificates"
And then view the basic details of certificates as shown below:
PS C:\> $user1.Certificates | fl * -f
Handle : 456139856
Issuer : OU=EFS File Encryption Certificate, L=EFS, CN=Administrator
Subject : OU=EFS File Encryption Certificate, L=EFS, CN=Administrator
X509Certificate2 can be used to view more details of certificates.
PS C:\> $user1.Certificates | foreach {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $_} | fl * -f
FriendlyName :
IssuerName : System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName
NotAfter : 2/24/2109 8:35:26 AM
NotBefore : 3/20/2009 9:35:26 AM
HasPrivateKey : False
PrivateKey :
PublicKey : System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.PublicKey
RawData : {48, 130, 3, 139...}
SerialNumber : …
SubjectName : System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName
SignatureAlgorithm : System.Security.Cryptography.Oid
Thumbprint : …
Version : 3
Handle : 456139856
Issuer : OU=EFS File Encryption Certificate, L=EFS, CN=Administrator
Subject : OU=EFS File Encryption Certificate, L=EFS, CN=Administrator
Also you can assign an existing user certificates to a new user.
PS C:\> $user1 = Get-ADUser TestUser1 -Properties "Certificates"
PS C:\> New-ADUser -Name TestUser2 -SamAccountName TestUser2 -Certificates $user1.Certificates
Installing AD CS with Install-AdcsCertificationAuthority
In Windows Server 2012, you can use Windows PowerShell to install AD CS. The syntax of the Install-AdcsCertificationAuthority command is documented in the TechNet Library. That syntax is not repeated here, but rather an odd situation that might arise if you are installing a new CA and you want to use a comma in for the name of the CA. For example, if you want to use the distinguished name suffix of OU=PKI,O=Contoso, Ltd.,C=US, you will need double-quotes around the name. You will also use the escape character for Windows PowerShell, which is the backtick (`), also called the grave access (ASCII 96) before each double-quote, so that Windows PowerShell does not misinterpret your intention with the distinguished name suffix. An example of this follows:
Install-AdcsCertificationAuthority -AllowAdministratorInteraction -CAType StandaloneRootCA -CACommonName "Example Internal Root CA" -CADistinguishedNameSuffix "OU=PKI,O=`"Contoso, Ltd.`",C=US" -KeyLength 2048 -HashAlgorithmName SHA1 -CryptoProviderName "RSA#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" -DatabaseDirectory "C:\CertDB" -LogDirectory "C:\CertLog" -ValidityPeriod "Years" -ValidityPeriodUnits 20 -Verbose
Note: Special thanks to Brian Komar for providing the basis for above example.
Additional Resources
Display Subject Alternative Names of a Certificate with PowerShell
- PKI Client Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell
- AD CS Deployment Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell
- AD CS Administration Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell
This article was started from Ashish Sharma [MSFT] Active Directory PowerShell Blog post Working with Certificates in AD PowerShell.