Small Basic Curriculum: Lesson 3.4: Events and Interactivity
Small Basic > Curriculum >** **Online > Lesson 3.4: Events and Interactivity
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 1 hour
Introduction to Events and Interactivity
In this lesson, you will learn how to:
- Use keyboard events in your program.
- Use mouse events in your program.
Introduction to Events
This lesson introduces you to events with which you can add interactivity to your Small Basic programs.
In other words, you can create an interactive program in Small Basic by defining events that trigger an action in response to user inputs.
Interactivity here includes events that trigger an action; for instance, when the user clicks a button on the mouse or presses a key on the keyboard.
Keyboard Events
Keyboard events produce an action when the user presses or releases a certain key. There are two keyboard events?KeyDown and KeyUp. These events are defined as operations of the GraphicsWindow object.
KeyUp raises an event when the user releases a key on the keyboard.
Sub keyup
If GraphicsWindow.LastKey = return then
Shapes.Rotate(shape1, 0)
KeyDown raises an event when the user presses a key on the keyboard.
Sub keydown
If GraphicsWindow.LastKey = return then
Shapes.Rotate(shape1, 90)
If you try out the code above, then you should get an error that the return variable isn't assigned. It has no value yet. In the code below, you're going to assign the variable a text string.
Let’s demonstrate keyboard events in Small Basic with a simple program that rotates a shape in the graphics window when you press a key on the keyboard.
In this example, you press RETURN to rotate a rectangle shape in the graphics window. When you release the key, the rectangle returns to its original state.,MSDN.10).jpg,MSDN.10).jpg
- In the editor window, you add the rectangle by using the AddRectangle operation of the Shapes object.
- You set the location of the rectangle by using the Move operation.
- You identify the key with which the rectangle can be rotated. You declare the key and assign it a suitable variable name.
- You use the KeyDown event of the GraphicsWindow object and declare a subroutine to rotate the shape when the user presses the key.
- Similarly, you use the KeyUp event and declare a subroutine to rotate the shape when the user releases the key.
When you click Run on the toolbar, your program runs. A graphics window appears with a rectangle in the center. When you press RETURN, the rectangle rotates. When you release the Return key, the rectangle rotates back to its original position.
GraphicsWindow.Height = 300
GraphicsWindow.Width = 300
GraphicsWindow.Title = "Graphics Window"
shape1 = Shapes.AddRectangle(100, 50)
Shapes.Move(shape1, 100, 125)
return = "Return"
GraphicsWindow.KeyDown = keydown
GraphicsWindow.KeyUp = keyup
Sub keydown
If GraphicsWindow.LastKey = return then
Shapes.Rotate(shape1, 90)
Sub keyup
If GraphicsWindow.LastKey = return then
Shapes.Rotate(shape1, 0)
Mouse Events
As you did with keyboard events, you can create programs in Small Basic that work with events that are based on mouse clicks. Mouse events generate actions in your program when the user clicks a mouse button.
MouseDown raises an event when the user clicks a mouse button.
MouseUp raises an event when the user releases a mouse button.
MouseMove raises an event when the user moves the mouse pointer in the graphics window.
Let’s see how we can use these events in a program. In this example, you click and drag the mouse over the graphics window to create a splayed-out fan of lines of varying colors and widths.
GraphicsWindow.MouseDown = MouseClick
GraphicsWindow.MouseMove = MouseDrag
GraphicsWindow.MouseUp = MouseUp
Sub MouseClick
OrgX = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
OrgY = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
Sub MouseDrag
x = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
y = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
If (Mouse.IsLeftButtonDown) then
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(OrgX, OrgY, x, y)
Sub MouseUp
You must declare the mouse events in your code. Small Basic has three types of mouse events: MouseDown, MouseUp, and MouseMove. You must also assign an accompanying subroutine for your event. When the mouse is clicked, released, or moved, the subroutine will perform the action that is defined within it. You can use mouse events on controls and shapes.
Let’s Summarize…
Congratulations! Now you know how to:
- Use keyboard events in your program.
- Using mouse events in your program.
Show What You Know
Write a program to demonstrate mouse events by performing the following steps:
- Create an art pad by using the GraphicsWindow object.
- Use the MouseDown and MouseMove events to draw shapes in the drawing area.
- Use If and Else statements to define the actions that occur when the user clicks the mouse.
Because the buttons/controls tutorial is in the next Curriculum section (3.5), you can ignore that part of this example below. After you try out the three Show What You Know steps above, paste in the following code into a new file. Then change the colors, sides, and sizes to experiment with what you can do. Then go back to your Show What You Know program and see if you can add something you learned.
w = 620
h = 450
GraphicsWindow.CanResize = "False"
GraphicsWindow.Width = w
GraphicsWindow.Height = h
GraphicsWindow.Top = (Desktop.Height-h) / 2
GraphicsWindow.Left = (Desktop.Width-w) / 2
GraphicsWindow.Title = "Events and interactivity"
Controls.ButtonClicked = MouseAction
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(10, 10, 600, 320)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(10, 340, 200, 100)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(10, 340, 600, 100)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(370, 340, 150, 100)
Triangle = Controls.AddButton("Triangle", 40, 345)
Controls.SetSize(Triangle, 120, 30)
Rectangle = Controls.AddButton("Rectangle",40,375)
Controls.SetSize(Rectangle, 120, 30)
Circle = Controls.AddButton("Circle", 40, 405)
Controls.SetSize(Circle, 120, 30)
Rotate = Controls.AddButton("Rotate", 230, 360)
Controls.SetSize(Rotate, 60, 60)
Zoom = Controls.AddButton("Zoom", 290, 360)
Controls.SetSize(Zoom, 60, 60)
FreeHand = Controls.AddButton("Draw", 390, 360)
Controls.SetSize(FreeHand, 60, 60)
Clear = Controls.AddButton("Clear", 450, 360)
Controls.SetSize(Clear, 60, 60)
Exit = Controls.AddButton("Exit", 530, 360)
Controls.SetSize(Exit, 60, 60)
Sub MouseAction
x = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
y = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 1
If x > 40 And x < 160 Then
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = GraphicsWindow.GetRandomColor()
If y > 345 And y < 375 Then
draw = 0
j = 0
z = 1
tri = Shapes.AddTriangle(20, 20, 100, 100, 150, 20)
Shapes.Move(tri, 80, 100)
If y > 375 And y < 405 Then
draw = 0
j = 0
z = 2
rect = Shapes.AddRectangle(100, 100)
Shapes.Move(rect, 250, 150)
If y > 405 And y < 435 Then
draw = 0
j = 0
z = 3
circ = Shapes.AddEllipse(100, 100)
Shapes.Move(circ, 400, 150)
If y > 360 And y < 420 Then
If x > 230 And x < 290 Then
draw = 0
If z = 1 Then
Shapes.Rotate(tri, 30 + m)
If z = 2 Then
Shapes.Rotate(rect,30 + m)
If z = 3 Then
Shapes.Rotate(circ, 30 + m)
m = m + 30
If x > 290 And x < 390 Then
draw = 0
i = 0.1 + j
If i < 0.4 Then
If z = 1 Then
Shapes.Zoom(tri, 1 + i, 1 + i)
If z = 2 Then
Shapes.Zoom(rect, 1 + i, 1 + i)
If z = 3 Then
Shapes.Zoom(circ, 1 + i, 1 + i)
j = j + 0.1
If x > 390 And x < 450 Then
draw = 1
If x > 450 And x < 510 Then
draw = 0
j = 0
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Blue"
draw = 0
If x > 530 And x < 590 Then
draw = 0
Sub Paint
If draw = 1 Then
GraphicsWindow.MouseMove = MouseDrag
If Mouse.IsLeftButtonDown Then
Sub MouseDrag
If draw = 1 Then
x = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
y = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
If x > 10 And x < 600 And y > 10 And y < 320 Then
If Mouse.IsLeftButtonDown Then
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(OrgX, OrgY, x, y)
OrgX = x
OrgY = y
To see the answers to these questions, go to the Answer Key page.