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SharePoint 2013:Best Practices - In Depth Performance Counters

Get Started

First of all, please get the PressurePoint Dragon for SharePoint 2013 at to be able to simulate the specific SharePoint actions described here.

Then, go to this gallery to obtain the scripts to be able to monitor the performance counters as described on this page:
Finally, you can keep track of to keep updated with the latest info about this initiative.


The PressurePoint <Request> action equals to an HTTP GET request to a SharePoint page. The following performance counters are relevant for this type of action:
Processor\DPCs Queued/sec
Processor Information(_Total)\ Processor Time
ASP.NET Applications\Requests/Sec

Mind you: This section is a work in progress and is therefore not finished yet. Because of that, the PowerShell script for this part is not yet available.

See Also

Please also check the SharePoint 2013 Best Practices page.