Fixed Length text file to Datatable
*Source code can be found at Fixed Length text file to Datatable
After working so hard to work in an application to read huge Fixed Length Text Files I found some information about a tricky to do it defining an INI file with specifications which will be used to read file into datatable faster than read file line by line.
I have to mention that I have no access to SSIS, Biztalk, Talend, Apatar or other ETL tool, that was the reason to create this little application.
Basically we only need to create a file called Schema.ini on the same directory where file to be read resides and, also, it must define structure in the next way:
**ColNameHeader=**true if first line has the name of columns, otherwise, false.
**DateTimeFormat=**date format on columns
**Col1=**name_of_column type Width width of column
*Col2=*name_of_column type Width ***width of column
***Col3=name_of_column type Width ***width of column
***Col4=name_of_column type Width ***width of column
A live example of this is:
Col1=ID Integer Width 5
Col2=Name Text Width 25
Col3=Phone Text Width 10
Col4=DateTimeStamp DateTime Width 8
The last part is just to read file using OLEDB with this code:
// Declare Variables and Objects
string file = "fixedLengthTextFile.txt";
string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
DataTable dt;
//Create OleDb connection object
using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;" +
"Data Source=" + dir + ";Extended Properties=\Text;\"))
// Open connection
// Create OleDb Adapter object
using (OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM " + file, cn))
dt = new DataTable("Records");
// Display results
datagridview1.DataSource = dt;
Now, you can use data in a datatable to display
Example is based on this article:
Schema.ini File (Text File Driver)
Check article to see more options for Schema.ini file