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Adding custom RDP properties in Windows Server 2012 RDS/VDI environments

This Wiki takes you through the process of adding custom RDP properties to for VDI (both Session-based and Virtual Machine-Based) deployments running on Windows Server 2012.

With Windows Server 2012 there is no option to set this in the RDMS Server Manager GUI. In order to add custom RDP properties, we need to use the RemoteDesktop PowerShell module .The command to do this is Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration

For example, if we want to remove the connectionbar we could run the following command:

Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName QuickSessionCollection "displayconnectionbar:i:0"

These settings are stored in the registry of the RD Connection Broker(s) that are part of the Session Collections deployment.

Do note that if we wanted to add an additional custom RDP property we would have to specify all the custom RDP properties in one command. For example, if we would add an additional custom RDP property to map the local C: drive and run

Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName QuickSessionCollection "drivestoredirect:s:C:"

That would overwrite the previously added custom RDP property.

We obviously have to add all the custom RDP properties at once. To make this work we need to add a linefeed character (which is: `n) between the options otherwise it won’t be applied properly. The command would look like this:

Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName QuickSessionCollection "drivestoredirect:s:C: `n displayconnectionbar:i:0"

This will result in a published desktop with the following properties:

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