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Sharepoint 2010: SQL Server Database Engine Configuration


The following is a collection of checks that can be run against an instance of SQL Server 2005/2008/2008R2/2012 that is currently or will be used as a dedicated instance for sharepoint databases. The checks come from standard best practices and also from the Sharepoint best practices for SQL Server documentation. The script can be used to check an instance and have an easy to view list of items that have failed and the reason for the failure. The script must be run as an entire execution and cannot be run for specific parts.

The Script

--Declaration of Global Variables and Environment Settings
SET @ReturnCode = 0
--Environment Check
-- get the spot of the period
SELECT @Version = CHARINDEX('.', CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS  VARCHAR(10)), 0)
SELECT @Version = CAST(LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS  VARCHAR(10)), @Version - 1) AS INT)
Matrix for  Sharepoint 2010 SQL Support
8 = SQL Server 2000 - Not supported
9 = SQL Server 2005 - Supported with  SP3 CU3
10 = SQL Server 2008/R2
11 = SQL Server 2012
IF(@Version = 8)
 PRINT 'Sharepoint 2010 does not support SQL Server 2000!'
 GOTO Finish
PRINT 'Checks Run Date: '  + CAST(GETDATE() AS  VARCHAR(30))
PRINT 'Checks Run By: '  + SUSER_SNAME()
PRINT 'Checks Run On Server: '  + @@SERVERNAME
PRINT 'Checks Run On Instance: '  + @@SERVICENAME
PRINT 'SQL Server Version: '  + CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS  VARCHAR(30))
PRINT 'Starting Checks...'
/*      Security Checks       */
--Windows Auth Only
SET @AuthMode = -1
-- 1 = Windows Only
-- 2 = Mixed
EXEC @ReturnCode = xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'LoginMode', @AuthMode OUTPUT
IF(@ReturnCode != 0)
  PRINT 'Windows Only Auth Mode: FAILED With Error'
  IF(@AuthMode = 1)
    PRINT 'Window Only Auth Mode: Passed (Windows Auth Only)'
    PRINT 'Windows Only Auth Mode: FAILED (Mixed Mode)'
SET @ReturnCode = 0
--Non-Standard Port
SET @PortNumber = -1
SET @Path = ''
-- 1433 tcp is the *standard*
 SET @Path = 'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'
 SET @Path = 'Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\' + @@SERVICENAME + '\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'
EXEC @ReturnCode = xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @Path, 'TcpPort', @PortNumber OUTPUT
SELECT @PortNumber = CAST(@PortNumber AS INT)
IF(@ReturnCode != 0)
  PRINT 'Non-Standard Port Check: FAILED With  Error'
  IF(@PortNumber = -1)
    PRINT 'Non-Standard Port Check: FAILED with  Error'
  IF(@PortNumber = 1433)
    PRINT 'Non-Standard Port Check: FAILED (Standard Port 1433 TCP)'
    PRINT 'Non-Standard Port Check: Passed - ' + CAST(@PortNumber AS VARCHAR(6))
SET @ReturnCode = 0
/*    Server Configuration Checks      */
--Edition (note that Enterprise is preffered)
SELECT @Edition = LEFT(@Edition, CHARINDEX(' ', @Edition, 0) - 1)
IF(@Edition = 'Standard')
  PRINT 'Edition Check: Passed but not preferred (Standard Edition)'
  GOTO EditionFinish
IF(@Edition = 'Enterprise')
  PRINT 'Edition Check: Passes and Preferred (Enterprise Edition)'
  GOTO EditionFinish
PRINT 'Edition Check: FAILED using Edition "' + @Edition + '"'
SELECT @MAXDOP = CAST(value_in_use AS INT) FROM sys.configurations WHERE [name] = 'max degree of parallelism'
IF(@MAXDOP != 1)
  PRINT 'MAXDOP Check: FAILED as  MAXDOP needs to  be 1 (currently: ' + CAST(@MAXDOP AS VARCHAR(2)) + ')'
  PRINT 'MAXDOP Check: Passed (MAXDOP = ' + CAST(@MAXDOP AS VARCHAR(2)) + ')'
--Backup Compression
IF(@Version >= 10)
  IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.configurations WHERE name = 'backup compression default') > 0)
    DECLARE @BackupCompression INT
    SELECT @BackupCompression = CAST(value_in_use AS INT) FROM sys.configurations WHERE [name] = 'backup compression default'
    IF(@BackupCompression = 1)
      PRINT 'Backup Compression Check: Passed'
      PRINT 'Backup Compression Check: FAILED (Set This With SP_CONFIGURE)'
    PRINT 'Backup Compression Check: FAILED (This Version Doesn''t Support Compressed Backups)'
  PRINT 'Backup Compression Check: FAILED (This Version Doesn''t Support Compressed Backups)'
--TempDB on own disks
/* One item that is not checked is whether or not the
 the folder that TempDB lives in is a mount point or
 not. This could complicate and have a false positive
 for this check while the drive is technically the same
 the mount point is on different hardware.             */
DECLARE @FailureCounts INT
SET @FailureCounts = -1
SELECT @FailureCounts = COUNT(*)
FROM (SELECT LEFT(physical_name, 1) AS [Drive_Letter] FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = 3 GROUP BY LEFT(physical_name, 1)) TempDBInfo 
 INNER JOIN sys.master_files mf
  ON TempDBInfo.Drive_Letter = LEFT(mf.physical_name, 1)
WHERE mf.database_id != 3
IF(@FailureCounts != 0)
 PRINT 'TempDB Seperate Drive Check: FAILED With  ' + CAST(@FailureCounts AS VARCHAR(4)) + ' Conflicts.'
 PRINT 'TempDB Seperate Drive Check: Passed'
--TempDB 1/2 to 1/4 of cores
/* Depending on your setup, this may or may not be applicable.
 Testing should be done to affirm where the sweet spot is. */
/* differ just in case something happens, comparison will fail */
SET @CoreCount = -1
SET @TempDBFileCount = 0
/* one scheduler per CPU */
SELECT @CoreCount = scheduler_count FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info
SELECT @TempDBFileCount = COUNT(*) FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = 3 AND type_desc = 'ROWS'
IF( @CoreCount = @TempDBFileCount OR @CoreCount/2 = @TempDBFileCount OR @CoreCount/4 = @TempDBFileCount)
  PRINT 'TempDB Datafile Ratio Check: Passed'
  PRINT 'TempDB Datafile Ration Check: FAILED ( ' + CAST(@CoreCount AS VARCHAR(3)) + '  CPUs | ' + CAST(@TempDbFileCount AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' TempDB Datafiles )'
/*    Database Configuration Checks     */
--Create the table variable used when checking database
-- specific items.
IF EXISTS(select 1 from tempdb.sys.objects where name like '#FailedDatabases%')
  DROP TABLE #FailedDatabases
CREATE TABLE #FailedDatabases
DECLARE @CurrentDatabaseName SYSNAME
--Auto_Create Stats is disabled
INSERT INTO #FailedDatabases(Database_Name) SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE is_auto_create_stats_on = 1 AND state_desc = 'ONLINE' AND database_id > 4
IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
  PRINT 'Auto Create  Stats Check: FAILED'
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDatabaseName = [Database_Name] FROM #FailedDatabases ORDER BY [Database_Name] ASC
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases WHERE [Database_Name] = @CurrentDatabaseName
  PRINT 'Auto Create  Stats Check: Passed'
--Auto_Close is disabled
----This is a stndard best practice and
----not specific to sharepoint.
DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases
SET @CurrentDatabaseName = ''
INSERT INTO #FailedDatabases(Database_Name) SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE is_auto_close_on = 1 AND state_desc = 'ONLINE' AND database_id > 4
IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
  PRINT 'Auto Close  Check: FAILED'
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDatabaseName = [Database_Name] FROM #FailedDatabases ORDER BY [Database_Name] ASC
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases WHERE [Database_Name] = @CurrentDatabaseName
  PRINT 'Auto Close  Check: Passed'
--Auto_Shrink is disabled
----This is a standard best practice and not
----specific to Sharepoint.
DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases
SET @CurrentDatabaseName = ''
INSERT INTO #FailedDatabases(Database_Name) SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE is_auto_shrink_on = 1 AND state_desc = 'ONLINE' AND database_id > 4
IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
  PRINT 'Auto Shrink Check: FAILED'
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDatabaseName = [Database_Name] FROM #FailedDatabases ORDER BY [Database_Name] ASC
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases WHERE [Database_Name] = @CurrentDatabaseName
  PRINT 'Auto Shrink Check: Passed'
--Data and Log seperated
----Again, this doesn't account for  mountpoints.
SET @CurrentDatabaseName = NULL
SELECT DISTINCT  LogDrives.Database_Name
SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database_Name], LEFT(Physical_Name, 1) AS  [Drive_Letter] FROM  sys.master_files WHERE type_desc = 'LOG' AND database_id > 4
) AS  LogDrives
  sys.master_files mf
   ON LogDrives.Drive_Letter = LEFT(mf.physical_name, 1) and LogDrives.Database_Name =
 mf.database_id > 4
 AND mf.type_desc = 'ROWS'
INSERT INTO  #FailedDatabases(Database_Name) SELECT Database_Name FROM BadLogCTE
IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) = 0)
  PRINT 'Data And Logs Seperated Check: Passed'
  PRINT 'The Following Databases Do Not Have Data and Logs Seperated:'
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP  1 @CurrentDatabaseName = Database_Name FROM #FailedDatabases
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM  #FailedDatabases WHERE Database_Name = @CurrentDatabaseName
--Only one log file
----This check isn't part of the sharepoint guide
----but it is an important check, especially since
----sharepoint is a critical system in most
----environments and the recoverability of it
----is paramount.
DELETE FROM  #FailedDatabases
INSERT INTO  #FailedDatabases(Database_Name)
SELECT DISTINCT  DB_NAME(Database_ID) AS [Database_Name] 
FROM sys.master_files 
WHERE database_id > 4 AND type_desc = 'LOG'  
GROUP BY Database_id, LEFT(Physical_name, 1) 
IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) = 0)
  PRINT 'Single Log File Check: Passed'
  PRINT 'The Following Databases Have More Than 1 Log File:' 
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDatabaseName = Database_Name FROM #FailedDatabases
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases WHERE Database_Name = @CurrentDatabaseName
--Autogrowth Settings (fixed size, MB)
----Initially I questioned whether to follow the sharepoint
----guide or not. I chose to NOT follow the guide
----as their best practice has the datafile should
----grow as a percentage and NOT a fixed limit.
----Would someone really want a 50GB DB growing by 5-10GB
----based on percentage? I didn't think so, I also don't
----believe that someone would want a bunch of smaller
----growths when the database was smaller, causing
----fragmentation on the disk.
----Growth is in PAGES if is_percent_growth = 0
DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases
INSERT INTO #FailedDatabases(Database_Name)
SELECT DB_NAME(Database_ID) AS [Database_Name]
FROM sys.master_files 
WHERE database_id > 4 AND type_desc = 'ROWS' AND (is_percent_growth = 1 OR growth < 113072) /* 1 GB growth fixed, disregard LOG files */
IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) = 0)
  PRINT 'Datafile Growth Check: Passed'
  PRINT 'The Following Databases Need To  Have Their Growth Values Checked:' 
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDatabaseName = Database_Name FROM #FailedDatabases
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases WHERE Database_Name = @CurrentDatabaseName
--Max size check (50GB limit recommended)
---- 50GB = 6553600 Pages
---- This is only valid for CONTENT databases
---- Personally, this seems like an absurdly
---- low number.
DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases
INSERT INTO #FailedDatabases (Database_Name)
SELECT DB_NAME(database_ID) AS [Database_Name]
FROM sys.master_files 
WHERE database_id > 4
 AND type_desc = 'ROWS'
GROUP BY database_id
HAVING SUM(max_size) != 6553600
IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) = 0)
  PRINT 'Database MAX_SIZE Check: Passed'
  PRINT 'The Following Databases Need To  Have Their Max_Size Values Checked:' 
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDatabaseName = Database_Name FROM #FailedDatabases
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases WHERE Database_Name = @CurrentDatabaseName
--Free Space in DB (25%)
DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?];
INSERT INTO  #FailedDatabases (Database_Name)
SELECT TOP  1 db_name(database_id) AS Database_Name 
FROM sys.master_files 
where database_id = DB_ID()
 AND database_id > 4 
 AND (CAST(FILEPROPERTY([name], ''spaceused'') AS  DECIMAL(12,2))/CAST(size AS  DECIMAL(12,2))) > 0.75'
IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) = 0)
  PRINT 'Database Files Free Space  Check: Passed'
  PRINT 'The Following Databases Need To  Have Their File Free  Space Checked:' 
  WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #FailedDatabases) > 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDatabaseName = Database_Name FROM #FailedDatabases
    PRINT '     ' + @CurrentDatabaseName
    DELETE FROM #FailedDatabases WHERE Database_Name = @CurrentDatabaseName
/*     Availability Checks       */
----Note that the only item the sharepoint guide
----specifies is that some sort of HA be setup.
----It doesn't go in  to detail with topology,
----technology (or combinations), or what a good
----set of settings are for those. Thus I am just
----checking to see if any type of HA is setup.
DECLARE @IsClustered INT
DECLARE @IsMirrored  INT
SELECT @IsClustered = -1, @IsMirrored = -1, @IsAG = -1
SELECT @IsClustered = COUNT(*) FROM  sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes
select @IsMirrored = COUNT(*) FROM  sys.database_mirroring WHERE mirroring_guid IS NOT NULL
--Availability Groups
IF(@Version > 10)
  SELECT @IsAG = COUNT(*) FROM  sys.availability_groups
  SET @IsAG = -1
IF( @IsAG > 0 OR @IsClustered > 0 OR @IsMirrored = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id > 4 AND state_desc = 'ONLINE'))
  PRINT 'High Availability Check: Passed'
  PRINT 'High Availability Check: Failed'
  IF(@IsAG < 1)
   PRINT '     No Availabitlity Groups Found'
  IF(@IsClustered < 1)
   PRINT '     No Clustered Instances Found'
  IF(@IsMirrored = 0)
   PRINT '     No Mirrored Databases Found'
  IF(@IsMirrored > 0 AND @IsMirrored < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id > 4 AND state_desc = 'ONLINE'))
   PRINT '     Only ' + CAST(@IsMirrored AS  VARCHAR(2)) + ' Mirrored Databases Found, Not All User Databases Are Mirrored'
PRINT 'Checks Complete!'