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Migrate Windows Essential Business Server 2008 to 2010 Standard Edition Products

Information on migrating Windows Essential Business Server 2008 to 2010 Standard Edition Products

This article provides information on upgrading core Essential Business Server 2008 components to 2010 standard edition products by providing reference links to standard server whitepapers on Microsoft TechNet.  This guide will not provide detailed step-by-step instructions of the upgrade process due to the large number of environmental configurations.

Note: This is intended to aid in the migration process, not a comprehensive solution. This article is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT.

Migrate Windows Essential Business Server 2008 to 2010 Standard Edition Products

Migrating Essential Business Server 2008 to 2010 Standard Server is a complex upgrade due to environments having many possible configurations and options. This guide provides a collection of resources intended to help with migrating away from Essential Business Server 2008 to 2010 standard server products and not a comprehensive upgrade guide.

This guide assumes that you have obtained licensed copies of the following products:

  • Windows Server 2008R2 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
  • System Center Essentials 2010
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008


To avoid problems while migrating your existing server from Windows Essential Business Server 2008, it is recommended that you read this document in its entirety before you begin the migration.


Backup Existing Environment



It is critical that all three Essential Business Server servers are completely backed up before beginning the steps in this document.  This includes full server backups, as well as System State backups of all three Essential Business Server servers in the case that data needs to be restored or the migration rolled back.

In addition, configuration and data of component applications should be backed up separately before beginning the migration.  The output of the various backup tools will be used later in the migration.

See for instructions on how to back up the component products.  In particular, the following data should be saved:

  • SCE (including WSUS) data and databases
  • Exchange 2007
  • TMG configuration
  • SharePoint data and configuration (if installed)
  • Certificates
  • DHCP
  • CALs


The Essential Business Server 2008 Administration Console will save its backups in the %ProgramFiles%\Windows Essential Business Server\Data folder on the Management Server.  Copy the contents of this folder to another machine or removable media for use after the Management Server is decommissioned.

Essential Business Server Migration Preparation Tool

Follow the directions in the document and run the Migration Preparation Tool on each Windows Essential Business Server server in the following order:

1.     Management Server
2.     Messaging Server
3.     Security Server

More information regarding the Essential Business Server 2008 Migration Preparation Tool can be found here:

Install Windows Server 2008 R2

By re-using the hardware from previously migrated server or using new hardware, installs Windows 2008 R2 server in the existing domain.

  1. Install Windows Server 2008 R2 by following

Install and Deploy Windows Server:

2. Migrate Server roles to Windows Server 2008 R2:

After completion of standard server installations you may want to migrate server roles such as DHCP, Active Directory, file services and others.  Make sure you migrate only the necessary roles applicable to your environment.

3. Certificate Authority Restore:

Upgrading to System Center Essentials 2010

Follow these instructions to upgrade System Center Essentials 2007 to 2010. You can reuse the hardware previously migrated  in previous step to install a new Windows 2008 R2 member server in the existing domain or use new hardware.

  1. Install a new Windows 2008 R2 domain controller in the existing domain for System Center Essentials 2010.  You must perform this upgrade on new hardware or a Virtual Machine.  See this link for more information:

Install a new domain controller in an existing domain:

2. Continue on to install System Center Essentials 2010 on the server you created above.  Refer to the System Center Essentials 2010 Deployment Guide: for more information.


Configure System Center Essentials 2010



After completing the above steps you must configure System Center Essentials 2010.  You can follow the instructions provided on Microsoft TechNet.

Configure System Center Essentials 2010:

Here is a tool provided by SCE team which could help you quickly finish SCE migration, for more info, please go to


Install Exchange Server 2010


Install Exchange 2010 using a previously migrated or new hardware.  After the installation of Exchange you will need to migrate data from old Exchange server.


Exchange 2007 - Planning Roadmap for Upgrade and Coexistence:

Exchange Server Deployment Assistant:

Select the Upgrade from Exchange 2007 scenario. If you still have Exchange 2003 servers in your environment select the Upgrade from Exchange 2003 &Exchange 2007 scenario.

                                                               i.      Move the mailboxes.

                                                             ii.      Move the public folders (if any).

                                                            iii.      Move the user data (if any) to a new file server.

Migrating Optional Components

Depending on the optional components installed on your environment, you may need to migrate data to new standard server components.  Please ensure you migrate only components applicable to your environment.

WSUS Migration:[A3] [A4] 

Forefront Threat Management Gateway information:

Sharepoint Migration Resources:

SQL Server Migration:

If you have SQL Server 2005 in your Environment you need to upgrade to SQL Server 2008 and migrate data over.  You can refer to the following TechNet for upgrade and migration instructions:

Upgrade to SQL Server 2008 R2:

Where to Find More Information

For more information about Windows Essential Business Server, see the following:

Windows Essential Business Server Technical Library at the Microsoft Web site -

Windows Essential Business Server Developer Library at the Microsoft Web site -

Windows Essential Business Server newsgroups at the Microsoft Web site -