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SharePoint 2010: Track content changes of a publishing page

Normally in SharePoint when you create a publishing page it goes through some approval cycle. During the approval cycle you check out the page and add/edit/remove some content and again check-in for further review. During this process reviewer would like to know what exactly is been modified in the content. Below steps shows how to track the changes between the versions of the page. Let’s say you have created a publishing page and published it, again checkout it, modified, added some content, deleted some content and again published it. Now you want to see what has been changed between the versions.


Here are the steps to check the track changes:-

Step 1: Click on View All Site Content from Site Actions menu display in top ribbon

Step 2: Click on the Pages link to open the pages library

Step 3: Select the page which you have create and modified and want to see version changes. Below screen shot shows an example page title Testing versioning.

 Step 4: From the top ribbon click on Page option and then click on Page History as shown in below screen shot

 Step 5: Now you can see the track changes between latest version and the previous version in below screen shot.

As you can see the Versions in left section in the above screenshot, all versions will be automatically populated in drop down, you can select any version to compare and see track changes.