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How to manually remove the Virtual Machine Manager Agent in an Hyper V Server 2008 R2

This post describes how to manually remove the VMM Agent (2008R2) from an Hyper V Server 2008 R2. 

This procedure help me when I find some remaining rest of an old installation of a virtual machine manager Agent.

First we will need to open the regedit and perform a full backup. Then we follow the steps below.

1- Navigate to:


2- Fin de Key for Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Agent

3- Copy the Code from ProdutIcon string "{A371D6FD-4635-4B65-84AE-D83FD91DF905}"





4- Open an elevated command Prompt and type the following

msiexec /X "{A371D6FD-4635-4B65-84AE-D83FD91DF905}"


5- Confirm the uninstall



6- The Agent is started to be uninstalled