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AD FS 2.0: Query Notification Delivery Failed Because of the Following Error in Service Broker: 'The conversation handle "{GUID} is not found.'


Making configuration changes in the AD FS 2.0 MMC fails and the following event is logged:


A SQL operation in the AD FS configuration database with connection string Data Source={server_name}\instance};Initial Catalog=AdfsConfiguration;Integrated Security=True failed. 

Additional Data

Exception details:

Update of service state summary failed

Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog '{GUID}.'. Query notification delivery failed because of the following error in service broker: 'The conversation handle "GUID" is not found.'. See the error log for additional information.

Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog '{GUID}.'. Query notification delivery failed because of the following error in service broker: 'The conversation handle "GUID" is not found.'. See the error log for additional information.



When the AD FS 2.0 initial configuration executes, the AdfsConfiguration database is Service Broker-enabled. If the database has been migrated to another SQL server and Service Broker was not enabled, changes to the AdfsConfiguration database will fail and the above exception will be thrown.


Ensure that the correct steps have been followed to migrate the SQL database:

Specifically, the following step was likely omitted:

alter database AdfsConfiguration set enable_broker with rollback immediate
