PowerShell 2.0 Cmdlets
These are the list of cmdlets which can be used in the Windows PowerShell 2.0.
All Cmdlets ( 632 )
Core Cmdlets ( 236 )
Extend Cmdlets ( 396 )
List of cmdlets by PSSnapIn
Microsoft.Adfs.PowerShell ( 43 )
Microsoft.Adfs.PowerShell snap-in can be used on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-ADFSAttributeStore |
Add-ADFSCertificate |
Add-ADFSClaimDescription |
Add-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Add-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Disable-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Disable-ADFSEndpoint |
Disable-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Enable-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Enable-ADFSEndpoint |
Enable-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Get-ADFSAttributeStore |
Get-ADFSCertificate |
Get-ADFSClaimDescription |
Get-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Get-ADFSEndpoint |
Get-ADFSProperties |
Get-ADFSProxyProperties |
Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Get-ADFSSyncProperties |
New-ADFSClaimRuleSet |
New-ADFSContactPerson |
New-ADFSOrganization |
New-ADFSSamlEndpoint |
Remove-ADFSAttributeStore |
Remove-ADFSCertificate |
Remove-ADFSClaimDescription |
Remove-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Remove-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Revoke-ADFSProxyTrust |
Set-ADFSAttributeStore |
Set-ADFSCertificate |
Set-ADFSCertSharingContainer |
Set-ADFSClaimDescription |
Set-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Set-ADFSEndpoint |
Set-ADFSProperties |
Set-ADFSProxyProperties |
Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Set-ADFSSyncProperties |
Update-ADFSCertificate |
Update-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Update-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core ( 41 )
Add-History |
Add-PSSnapin |
Clear-History |
Disable-PSSessionConfiguration |
Enable-PSRemoting |
Enable-PSSessionConfiguration |
Enter-PSSession |
Exit-PSSession |
Export-Console |
Export-ModuleMember |
ForEach-Object |
Get-Command |
Get-Help |
Get-History |
Get-Job |
Get-Module |
Get-PSSession |
Get-PSSessionConfiguration |
Get-PSSnapin |
Import-Module |
Invoke-Command |
Invoke-History |
New-Module |
New-ModuleManifest |
New-PSSession |
New-PSSessionOption |
Receive-Job |
Register-PSSessionConfiguration |
Remove-Job |
Remove-Module |
Remove-PSSession |
Remove-PSSnapin |
Set-PSDebug |
Set-PSSessionConfiguration |
Set-StrictMode |
Start-Job |
Stop-Job |
Test-ModuleManifest |
Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration |
Wait-Job |
Where-Object |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics ( 4 )
Export-Counter |
Get-Counter |
Get-WinEvent |
Import-Counter |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Host ( 2 )
Start-Transcript |
Stop-Transcript |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management ( 79 )
Add-Computer |
Add-Content |
Checkpoint-Computer |
Clear-Content |
Clear-EventLog |
Clear-Item |
Clear-ItemProperty |
Complete-Transaction |
Convert-Path |
Copy-Item |
Copy-ItemProperty |
Debug-Process |
Disable-ComputerRestore |
Enable-ComputerRestore |
Get-ChildItem |
Get-ComputerRestorePoint |
Get-Content |
Get-EventLog |
Get-HotFix |
Get-Item |
Get-ItemProperty |
Get-Location |
Get-Process |
Get-PSDrive |
Get-PSProvider |
Get-Service |
Get-Transaction |
Get-WmiObject |
Invoke-Item |
Invoke-WmiMethod |
Join-Path |
Limit-EventLog |
Move-Item |
Move-ItemProperty |
New-EventLog |
New-Item |
New-ItemProperty |
New-PSDrive |
New-Service |
New-WebServiceProxy |
Pop-Location |
Push-Location |
Register-WmiEvent |
Remove-Computer |
Remove-EventLog |
Remove-Item |
Remove-ItemProperty |
Remove-PSDrive |
Remove-WmiObject |
Rename-Item |
Rename-ItemProperty |
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword |
Resolve-Path |
Restart-Computer |
Restart-Service |
Restore-Computer |
Resume-Service |
Set-Content |
Set-Item |
Set-ItemProperty |
Set-Location |
Set-Service |
Set-WmiInstance |
Show-EventLog |
Split-Path |
Start-Process |
Start-Service |
Start-Transaction |
Stop-Computer |
Stop-Process |
Stop-Service |
Suspend-Service |
Test-ComputerSecureChannel |
Test-Connection |
Test-Path |
Undo-Transaction |
Use-Transaction |
Wait-Process |
Write-EventLog |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security ( 10 )
ConvertFrom-SecureString |
ConvertTo-SecureString |
Get-Acl |
Get-AuthenticodeSignature |
Get-Credential |
Get-ExecutionPolicy |
Get-PfxCertificate |
Set-Acl |
Set-AuthenticodeSignature |
Set-ExecutionPolicy |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility ( 87 )
Add-Member |
Add-Type |
Clear-Variable |
Compare-Object |
ConvertFrom-Csv |
ConvertFrom-StringData |
ConvertTo-Csv |
ConvertTo-Html |
ConvertTo-Xml |
Disable-PSBreakpoint |
Enable-PSBreakpoint |
Export-Alias |
Export-Clixml |
Export-Csv |
Export-FormatData |
Export-PSSession |
Format-Custom |
Format-List |
Format-Table |
Format-Wide |
Get-Alias |
Get-Culture |
Get-Date |
Get-Event |
Get-EventSubscriber |
Get-FormatData |
Get-Host |
Get-Member |
Get-PSBreakpoint |
Get-PSCallStack |
Get-Random |
Get-TraceSource |
Get-UICulture |
Get-Unique |
Get-Variable |
Group-Object |
Import-Alias |
Import-Clixml |
Import-Csv |
Import-LocalizedData |
Import-PSSession |
Invoke-Expression |
Measure-Command |
Measure-Object |
New-Alias |
New-Event |
New-Object |
New-TimeSpan |
New-Variable |
Out-Default |
Out-File |
Out-GridView |
Out-Host |
Out-Null |
Out-Printer |
Out-String |
Read-Host |
Register-EngineEvent |
Register-ObjectEvent |
Remove-Event |
Remove-PSBreakpoint |
Remove-Variable |
Select-Object |
Select-String |
Select-Xml |
Send-MailMessage |
Set-Alias |
Set-Date |
Set-PSBreakpoint |
Set-TraceSource |
Set-Variable |
Sort-Object |
Start-Sleep |
Tee-Object |
Trace-Command |
Unregister-Event |
Update-FormatData |
Update-List |
Update-TypeData |
Wait-Event |
Write-Debug |
Write-Error |
Write-Host |
Write-Output |
Write-Progress |
Write-Verbose |
Write-Warning |
Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Migration ( 5 )
Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Migration snap-in can be used on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Export-SmigServerSetting |
Get-SmigServerFeature |
Import-SmigServerSetting |
Receive-SmigServerData |
Send-SmigServerData |
Microsoft.WSMan.Management ( 13 )
Connect-WSMan |
Disable-WSManCredSSP |
Disconnect-WSMan |
Enable-WSManCredSSP |
Get-WSManCredSSP |
Get-WSManInstance |
Invoke-WSManAction |
New-WSManInstance |
New-WSManSessionOption |
Remove-WSManInstance |
Set-WSManInstance |
Set-WSManQuickConfig |
Test-WSMan |
Windows.ServerBackup ( 30 )
Windows.ServerBackup snap-in can be used on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-WBBackupTarget |
Add-WBBareMetalRecovery |
Add-WBFileSpec |
Add-WBSystemState |
Add-WBVolume |
Get-WBBackupSet |
Get-WBBackupTarget |
Get-WBBareMetalRecovery |
Get-WBDisk |
Get-WBFileSpec |
Get-WBJob |
Get-WBPolicy |
Get-WBSchedule |
Get-WBSummary |
Get-WBSystemState |
Get-WBVolume |
Get-WBVssBackupOptions |
New-WBBackupTarget |
New-WBFileSpec |
New-WBPolicy |
Remove-WBBackupTarget |
Remove-WBBareMetalRecovery |
Remove-WBFileSpec |
Remove-WBPolicy |
Remove-WBSystemState |
Remove-WBVolume |
Set-WBPolicy |
Set-WBSchedule |
Set-WBVssBackupOptions |
Start-WBBackup |
List of cmdlets by Module
ActiveDirectory ( 76 )
ActiveDirectory module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-ADComputerServiceAccount |
Add-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy |
Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject |
Add-ADGroupMember |
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership |
Clear-ADAccountExpiration |
Disable-ADAccount |
Disable-ADOptionalFeature |
Enable-ADAccount |
Enable-ADOptionalFeature |
Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup |
Get-ADAccountResultantPasswordReplicationPolicy |
Get-ADComputer |
Get-ADComputerServiceAccount |
Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy |
Get-ADDomain |
Get-ADDomainController |
Get-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy |
Get-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicyUsage |
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy |
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject |
Get-ADForest |
Get-ADGroup |
Get-ADGroupMember |
Get-ADObject |
Get-ADOptionalFeature |
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit |
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership |
Get-ADRootDSE |
Get-ADServiceAccount |
Get-ADUser |
Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy |
Install-ADServiceAccount |
Move-ADDirectoryServer |
Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole |
Move-ADObject |
New-ADComputer |
New-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy |
New-ADGroup |
New-ADObject |
New-ADOrganizationalUnit |
New-ADServiceAccount |
New-ADUser |
Remove-ADComputer |
Remove-ADComputerServiceAccount |
Remove-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy |
Remove-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy |
Remove-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject |
Remove-ADGroup |
Remove-ADGroupMember |
Remove-ADObject |
Remove-ADOrganizationalUnit |
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership |
Remove-ADServiceAccount |
Remove-ADUser |
Rename-ADObject |
Reset-ADServiceAccountPassword |
Restore-ADObject |
Search-ADAccount |
Set-ADAccountControl |
Set-ADAccountExpiration |
Set-ADAccountPassword |
Set-ADComputer |
Set-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy |
Set-ADDomain |
Set-ADDomainMode |
Set-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy |
Set-ADForest |
Set-ADForestMode |
Set-ADGroup |
Set-ADObject |
Set-ADOrganizationalUnit |
Set-ADServiceAccount |
Set-ADUser |
Uninstall-ADServiceAccount |
Unlock-ADAccount |
ADRMS ( 3 )
ADRMS module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Install-ADRMS |
Uninstall-ADRMS |
Update-ADRMS |
AppLocker ( 5 )
AppLocker module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Get-AppLockerFileInformation |
Get-AppLockerPolicy |
New-AppLockerPolicy |
Set-AppLockerPolicy |
Test-AppLockerPolicy |
BestPractices ( 4 )
BestPractices module can be used on all version of Windows.
Get-BpaModel |
Get-BpaResult |
Invoke-BpaModel |
Set-BpaResult |
BitsTransfer ( 8 )
BitsTransfer module can be used on all version of Windows.
Add-BitsFile |
Complete-BitsTransfer |
Get-BitsTransfer |
Remove-BitsTransfer |
Resume-BitsTransfer |
Set-BitsTransfer |
Start-BitsTransfer |
Suspend-BitsTransfer |
FailoverClusters ( 69 )
FailoverClusters module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-ClusterDisk |
Add-ClusterFileServerRole |
Add-ClusterGenericApplicationRole |
Add-ClusterGenericScriptRole |
Add-ClusterGenericServiceRole |
Add-ClusterGroup |
Add-ClusterNode |
Add-ClusterPrintServerRole |
Add-ClusterResource |
Add-ClusterResourceDependency |
Add-ClusterResourceType |
Add-ClusterServerRole |
Add-ClusterSharedVolume |
Add-ClusterVirtualMachineRole |
Block-ClusterAccess |
Clear-ClusterDiskReservation |
Clear-ClusterNode |
Get-Cluster |
Get-ClusterAccess |
Get-ClusterAvailableDisk |
Get-ClusterGroup |
Get-ClusterLog |
Get-ClusterNetwork |
Get-ClusterNetworkInterface |
Get-ClusterNode |
Get-ClusterOwnerNode |
Get-ClusterParameter |
Get-ClusterQuorum |
Get-ClusterResource |
Get-ClusterResourceDependency |
Get-ClusterResourceDependencyReport |
Get-ClusterResourceType |
Get-ClusterSharedVolume |
Grant-ClusterAccess |
Move-ClusterGroup |
Move-ClusterResource |
Move-ClusterSharedVolume |
Move-ClusterVirtualMachineRole |
New-Cluster |
Remove-Cluster |
Remove-ClusterAccess |
Remove-ClusterGroup |
Remove-ClusterNode |
Remove-ClusterResource |
Remove-ClusterResourceDependency |
Remove-ClusterResourceType |
Remove-ClusterSharedVolume |
Repair-ClusterSharedVolume |
Resume-ClusterNode |
Resume-ClusterResource |
Set-ClusterLog |
Set-ClusterOwnerNode |
Set-ClusterParameter |
Set-ClusterQuorum |
Set-ClusterResourceDependency |
Start-Cluster |
Start-ClusterGroup |
Start-ClusterNode |
Start-ClusterResource |
Stop-Cluster |
Stop-ClusterGroup |
Stop-ClusterNode |
Stop-ClusterResource |
Suspend-ClusterNode |
Suspend-ClusterResource |
Test-Cluster |
Test-ClusterResourceFailure |
Update-ClusterIPResource |
Update-ClusterVirtualMachineConfiguration |
GroupPolicy ( 25 )
GroupPolicy module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Backup-GPO |
Copy-GPO |
Get-GPInheritance |
Get-GPO |
Get-GPOReport |
Get-GPPermissions |
Get-GPPrefRegistryValue |
Get-GPRegistryValue |
Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy |
Get-GPStarterGPO |
Import-GPO |
New-GPLink |
New-GPO |
New-GPStarterGPO |
Remove-GPLink |
Remove-GPO |
Remove-GPPrefRegistryValue |
Remove-GPRegistryValue |
Rename-GPO |
Restore-GPO |
Set-GPInheritance |
Set-GPLink |
Set-GPPermissions |
Set-GPPrefRegistryValue |
Set-GPRegistryValue |
NetworkLoadBalancingClusters ( 35 )
NetworkLoadBalancingClusters module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-NlbClusterNode |
Add-NlbClusterNodeDip |
Add-NlbClusterPortRule |
Add-NlbClusterVip |
Disable-NlbClusterPortRule |
Enable-NlbClusterPortRule |
Get-NlbCluster |
Get-NlbClusterDriverInfo |
Get-NlbClusterNode |
Get-NlbClusterNodeDip |
Get-NlbClusterNodeNetworkInterface |
Get-NlbClusterPortRule |
Get-NlbClusterVip |
New-NlbCluster |
New-NlbClusterIpv6Address |
Remove-NlbCluster |
Remove-NlbClusterNode |
Remove-NlbClusterNodeDip |
Remove-NlbClusterPortRule |
Remove-NlbClusterVip |
Resume-NlbCluster |
Resume-NlbClusterNode |
Set-NlbCluster |
Set-NlbClusterNode |
Set-NlbClusterNodeDip |
Set-NlbClusterPortRule |
Set-NlbClusterPortRuleNodeHandlingPriority |
Set-NlbClusterPortRuleNodeWeight |
Set-NlbClusterVip |
Start-NlbCluster |
Start-NlbClusterNode |
Stop-NlbCluster |
Stop-NlbClusterNode |
Suspend-NlbCluster |
Suspend-NlbClusterNode |
PSDiagnostics ( 10 )
PSDiagnostics module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Disable-PSTrace |
Disable-PSWSManCombinedTrace |
Disable-WSManTrace |
Enable-PSTrace |
Enable-PSWSManCombinedTrace |
Enable-WSManTrace |
Get-LogProperties |
Set-LogProperties |
Start-Trace |
Stop-Trace |
RemoteDesktopServices ( 7 )
RemoteDesktopServices module can be used on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-VGPU |
Clear-PersonalVirtualDesktop |
Get-VGPUConfiguration |
Get-VirtualDesktop |
Remove-VGPU |
Set-PersonalVirtualDesktop |
Set-VGPUConfiguration |
ServerManager ( 3 )
ServerManager module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-WindowsFeature |
Get-WindowsFeature |
Remove-WindowsFeature |
TroubleshootingPack ( 2 )
TroubleshootingPack module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Get-TroubleshootingPack |
Invoke-TroubleshootingPack |
WebAdministration ( 71 )
WebAdministration module can be used on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Add-WebConfiguration |
Add-WebConfigurationLock |
Add-WebConfigurationProperty |
Backup-WebConfiguration |
Clear-WebConfiguration |
Clear-WebRequestTracingSettings |
ConvertTo-WebApplication |
Disable-WebGlobalModule |
Disable-WebRequestTracing |
Enable-WebGlobalModule |
Enable-WebRequestTracing |
Get-WebAppDomain |
Get-WebApplication |
Get-WebAppPoolState |
Get-WebBinding |
Get-WebConfigFile |
Get-WebConfiguration |
Get-WebConfigurationBackup |
Get-WebConfigurationLocation |
Get-WebConfigurationLock |
Get-WebConfigurationProperty |
Get-WebFilePath |
Get-WebGlobalModule |
Get-WebHandler |
Get-WebItemState |
Get-WebManagedModule |
Get-WebRequest |
Get-Website |
Get-WebsiteState |
Get-WebURL |
Get-WebVirtualDirectory |
New-WebApplication |
New-WebAppPool |
New-WebBinding |
New-WebFtpSite |
New-WebGlobalModule |
New-WebHandler |
New-WebManagedModule |
New-Website |
New-WebVirtualDirectory |
Remove-WebApplication |
Remove-WebAppPool |
Remove-WebBinding |
Remove-WebConfigurationBackup |
Remove-WebConfigurationLocation |
Remove-WebConfigurationLock |
Remove-WebConfigurationProperty |
Remove-WebGlobalModule |
Remove-WebHandler |
Remove-WebManagedModule |
Remove-Website |
Remove-WebVirtualDirectory |
Rename-WebConfigurationLocation |
Restart-WebAppPool |
Restart-WebItem |
Restore-WebConfiguration |
Select-WebConfiguration |
Set-WebBinding |
Set-WebConfiguration |
Set-WebConfigurationProperty |
Set-WebGlobalModule |
Set-WebHandler |
Set-WebManagedModule |
Start-WebAppPool |
Start-WebCommitDelay |
Start-WebItem |
Start-Website |
Stop-WebAppPool |
Stop-WebCommitDelay |
Stop-WebItem |
Stop-Website |
See Also