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Windows server DNS: Read the DNS Debug Log

DNS Debug logging

Why would you use DNS' debug logging?  The answer is to track down problems with DNS queries, updates or notification errors. In my case we were in a process of transitioning windows 2003 domain controllers to windows 2008 R2 domain controllers.

So we decided to see which DNS clients (Server/client/dhcp servers) are still pointing towards the to be demoted 2003 domain controllers, so that we can ask to respective teams to correct this to avoid any disruption in environment.

I refer to the below article to Enable debug logging options on the DNS server

Select and enable debug logging options on the DNS server

To view a DNS server debug log file

To Read the DNS Debug Logs

This is the most important section of the article.Please follow the steps given below blindly

  • Edit DNS log file using notepad  (would recommend Notepad ++ if you are not using it already
  • Remove the first 30 lines or so (up to the first DNS query) & save the file.
  • Remove blank lines and then save. You can use Excel for this, but for really large logs you will need to remove blank lines from the txt file before taking it into Excel as the delete rows from the filter may be too big for Excel (Notepad ++ is good for this - replace \n\r with blank).

Now you have a txt file with just queries in.

  • Open Excel and then open file with a space delimiter.
  • All of the incoming IP addresses will now be in 1 column (probably H). Delete all other columns and save to an XL format file.
  • Highlight data and do an advanced filter and select `Unique records only`. Copy the data to a fresh worksheet or text file.

Now you have all of the incoming addresses in their singular. From here it is easy to resolve the names etc.


In one scenario I found 2500 host records in one log so I used the below script to find the hostname. I copied all the ip address to a text file(IPList.Txt) and ran the script.

. I found the parts of the script in google, just joined it together it works just fine


Dim StrHost, strIP, strPingResult, IntLatency 

intRow = 2 

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 

With objExcel 


    .Visible = True 




    .Cells(1, 2).Value = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" 

    .Cells(1, 3).Value = "XXXXXXX" 

    .Cells(1, 4).Value = "XXXXXXX" 





    .Cells(1, 1).Value = "Hostname" 

    .Cells(1, 2).Value = "IP" 

    .Cells(1, 3).Value = "Result" 

    .Cells(1, 4).Value = "Latency" 


End With  

'--- Input Text File in the path C:\temp\ IPList.Txt  with IP Addresses

Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

Set InputFile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\Temp\IPList.Txt") 

Do While Not (InputFile.atEndOfStream) 


    StrHost = InputFile.ReadLine 


    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 


    Call PINGlookup( StrHost, strIP, strPingResult, intLatency ) 


    With objExcel

        .Cells(intRow, 1).Value = StrHost 

        .Cells(intRow, 2).Value = strIP 

        .Cells(intRow, 3).Value = strPingResult 

        .Cells(intRow, 4).Value = intLatency 

    End With 


    intRow = intRow + 1 



With objExcel 


    .Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 

    .Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 11 

    .Selection.Font.Bold = True 


End With 

Sub PINGlookup(ByRef StrHost, ByRef strIP, ByRef strPingResult, ByRef intLatency )  

    ' In this subroutine both IP address and DNS name is allowed &  Function will return the opposite  


    ' Check if the Hostname is an IP address

    Set oRE = New RegExp  

    oRE.Pattern = "^[0-9]{1,3}\[0-9]{1,3}\[0-9]{1,3}\[0-9]{1,3}$"  


    strMachine = StrHost 

    bIsIP = oRE.Test(strMachine)  

    If bIsIP Then  

        strIP = strMachine 

        StrHost = "-------" 


        strIP = "-------" 

        StrHost = strMachine 

    End If  


    'To get a temp filename and open it 

    Set osShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 

    Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

    sTemp = osShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%")  

    sTempFile = sTemp & "\ & oFS.GetTempName  


    ' PING and check if the IP adrress exists 

    intT1 = Fix( Timer * 1000 )  

    osShell.Run "%ComSpec% /c ping -a " & strMachine & " -n 1 > " & sTempFile, 0, True 

    intT2 = Fix( Timer * 1000 )  

    intLatency = Fix( intT2 - intT1 ) / 1000 


    ' Open the temp Text File and Read out the Data line by line  

    Set oTF = oFS.OpenTextFile(sTempFile)  


    ' To parse the temp text file  

    strPingResult = "-------" 'assume failed 

    Do While Not oTF.AtEndoFStream  


        strLine = Trim(oTF.Readline)  

        If strLine = "" Then  

            strFirstWord = "" 


            arrStringLine = Split(strLine, " ", -1, 1) 

            strFirstWord = arrStringLine(0) 

        End If  


        Select Case strFirstWord 


            Case "Pinging"  

                If arrStringLine(2) = "with" Then 

                    strPingResult = "-------" 

                    StrHost = "-------" 


                    StrHost = arrStringLine(1) 

                    strIP = arrStringLine(2) 

                    strLen = Len( strIP ) - 2 

                    strIP = Mid( strIP, 2, strLen ) 

                    strPingResult = "Ok" 

                End If  

                Exit Do             

            'End Case 


            Case "Ping" ' pinging non existing hostname 

                strPingResult = "------" 

                Exit Do     

            'End Case  


        End Select 




    'to Close it  


    'To delete It  

    oFS.DeleteFile sTempFile  


End Sub  


Disable Debug logging