SharePoint 2013: Setting up a MySite - User Profile Service (2/2)
Setting Up MySite
My Site is your personal starting point for viewing and contributing to your organization's intranet through the portal site. It provides a place to save and share your work, a way to find and connect with other people in your organization and see their work, and a way to customize how other people in your organization see your work. To view My Site, click My Site on the navigation bar of the portal site.
When finished with creating your site collection, copy the hyperlink.
Return again to the User Profile Service Application, we have to define our My Site Settings.
Under the My Site Settings click on Setup MySite
We have to fill 4 things to configure our MySite:
- My Site Host: ( our just created site collection )
- Location: myPersonal
- Site naming Format: User Name ( do not resolve conflict )
- And be sure that all authenticated users can use MySite.
Everything is completed, so we can surf to our website (MySite) and see if everything is working. On my environment, I got a strange internal (500) error.
I searched on Internet but found nothing.
But my experience on SharePoint says me an “IISRESET” will resolve everything, and it was the case. J
Now, you can edit your profile:
- Add a picture
- Add a project
- Add your school
- …
But, you will get a message saying that the process is still busy and that you have to wait to see the changes.
Actually this means that the service is only running per hour, so the possibility is that you can wait “ONE” hour before seeing your changes on your profile.
If you don’t want to wait, you can edit the service or just click on “run now”.
The service name is “Social Data Maintenance Job”
And you can enjoy about your new profile ..