Windows HPC and Microsoft Excel: Resources for Building Cluster-Ready Workbooks
This is a list of community, external resources for accelerating Excel calculations by offloading to a Windows HPC cluster. You can add to the list, and feel free to rearrange. Just click the "Edit" button above the article.
- HPC Services for Excel(TechNet articles and management guidance)
- What is included in HPC Services for Excel (TechNet article)
- Accelerating Microsoft® Excel® 2010 with Windows® HPC Server 2008 R2: Technical Overview (white paper)
- Introducing HPC Services for Excel 2010 (narrated presentation)
- Best practices on using Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 for Excel 2010 (narrated presentation)
- Using HPC Services for Excel 2010 in Insurance and Capital Markets (narrated presentation)
- Excel Solution Development (narrated presentation)
- Excel 2010 and High Performance Computing (MSDN blog post)
- Offloading UDF’s to a Windows HPC Cluster (MSDN blog post)
- Do you have the Excel spreadsheet from Hell... (MVP blog post)
How to guides
- Using the Excel Cluster Connector to Offload UDFs (how to configure offloading from Excel 2010)
- HPC Macros (msdn developer reference)
- Best Practices for Using the HPC Macros to Run Excel Workbooks on a Cluster (article)
- Converting Cluster-Safe UDFs for Offloading to a Windows® HPC Cluster (article and samples)
- Building VBA applications and workbooks for a Windows HPC Cluster (article and samples)
- Building .NET Applications that Run Excel Calculations on a Windows HPC Cluster (article and samples)
- Building Custom Clients and Services to Offload Excel Calculations to a Windows HPC Cluster (article and samples)
Software Development Kits
- HPC Pack 2008 R2 SDK (SDK download)
- Microsoft Excel 2010 XLL Software Development Kit (documentation)
- Excel 2010 SDK: Excel 2010 XLL Software Development Kit (SDK download)
Code Samples
- HPC Pack 2008 R2 SDK (
Training and labs
- Scaling out VBA Enabled Excel Workbooks with Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 (virtual lab)
- Using HPC Service for Excel 2010 to Accelerate a Pricing Sensitivity Calculation (virtual lab)
- Accelerating Excel 2010 with Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 (2-day course)