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Virtual Machine Manager Error Codes (10500-10999)

Links to other error code pages can be found on the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Error Codes page.

To find a specific error message in this table, type Ctrl-F and enter the error code. If you have additional information about how to fix an error, add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.

Code Message Recommended Action (in product) Additional Troubleshooting Information
10600 The operating system specified for the template or guest operating system profile is not compatible with the answer file. Specify unattend.xml format answer file for a Windows 2008 or Vista template, or a GuestOSProfile. Otherwise specify sysprep.inf format answer file.
10601 The specified unattended installation xml file is not valid. Specify a valid unattend .xml file.
10602 Virtual Server does not support 64-bit virtual machines. Place the virtual machine on a Windows Hyper-V or ESX host.
10603 Specified memory size %MemorySize; is not supported by the host %VMHostName; virtualization software. Select a host that supports the specified memory limits or change the memory specification. Valid memory size ranges from %MemorySizeMinLimit; to %MemorySizeMaxLimit;.
10604 Specified memory size %MemorySize; is not supported. Specify a valid memory size and then try the operation again. Valid memory size ranges from %MemorySizeMinLimit; to %MemorySizeMaxLimit;.
10605 The specified VLAN configuration is not valid. Ensure that the virtual network adapter is connected to a virtual network, that a valid VLAN ID is specified, and then try the operation again.
10606 The -VirtualHardDisk and -PassThroughDisk parameters are mutually exclusive. You can specify only one of these parameters. Specify either -VirtualHardDisk or -PassThroughDisk and then try the operation again.
10607 The VHDDrive operation requires either -VirtualHardDisk or -PassThroughDisk parameters. Specify the -VirtualHardDisk or -PassThroughDisk parameter.
10608 Cannot create a highly available virtual machine because Virtual Machine Manager could not locate or access %FolderPath;. Ensure that the path exists and that the path is for a cluster disk in available storage, and then try the operation again.
10609 Cannot create a highly available virtual machine because host %HostNames; is not in a host cluster. Specify a host that is in a host cluster and ensure that the cluster service is running on that host, and then try the operation again.
10610 Cannot change the Highly Available property for a virtual machine that is deployed on a host. You can change the HighlyAvailable property only when the virtual machine is stored in the library.
10611 Virtual Machine Manager does not support creation of highly available virtual machines for the virtualization software on host %VMHostName;. To create a highly available virtual machine, select a clustered Hyper-V host.
10612 Cluster resource with name Virtual Machine %FriendlyName; already exists on cluster %VMHostName;. Specify a different name for the virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10613 Cluster resource group with name Virtual Machine %FriendlyName; already exists on cluster %VMHostName; Specify a different name for the virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10614 Cluster resource with name Virtual Machine Configuration %FriendlyName; already exists on cluster %VMHostName; Specify a different name for the virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10615 Unable to move virtual hard disk. You can only move virtual hard disks that are connected to a virtual machine on a Virtual Server or Hyper-V host. Ensure that the virtual hard disk is connected to a virtual machine on a Virtual Server or Hyper-V host and then try the operation again.
10616 Unable to move virtual hard disk. Only use the Move-VirtualHardDisk with Bus, Lun and BusType parameters for a New-VM or Move-VM JobGroup. Check the parameters and then try the operation again.
10617 Specified location has a pass-through disk attached. Ensure that the virtual disk drive attached at specified bus and LUN has a virtual hard disk attached, and then try the operation again.
10618 The virtual hard disk or its parent is attached to more than one Virtual Machine and cannot be moved. Ensure that the specified virtual hard disk is associated with one virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10619 The user name provided is not a valid local administrator user name for this operating system. Provide a valid user name other than the built-in Administrator account name and then try the operation again.
10620 The specified host disk is not attached to virtual machine on a host. Ensure that the specified host disk is attached to a virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10621 The convert virtual disk drive operation timed out after waiting for %VHDActionTimeoutInHours; hours. Try the operation again.
10622 The specified virtual disk drive is not connected to a host disk. Ensure that the specified virtual disk drive has host disk attached and then try the operation again.
10623 The virtualization software for the virtual hard disk %FileName; is not compatible with the virtualization software on the host %VMHostName;. Remove the specified virtual hard disk from the virtual machine or specify a different host, and then try the operation again.
10624 The virtualization software on the host %VMHostName; does not support integration services. Specify a host with Hyper-V virtualization software and then try the operation again.
10625 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not support setting the boot order in the BIOS. Migrate the virtual machine to a host that is running Windows Hyper-V and then try the operation again.
10626 Boot device type %BootDevice; is not valid. Specify a valid parameter and try the operation again.
10627 The specified boot order is not complete. Not all valid boot devices are specified. Include all valid boot devices in the boot order and then try the operation again.
10628 The specified memory size for the virtual machine is not valid because of virtualization software restrictions on the host %VMHostName;. Virtual Machine Manager will set the virtual machine's memory to %MemorySize; MB. BLANK
10629 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not support a processor count of %Count;. Supported processor counts: %ValidProcessorCount;. Specify a host with different virtualization software or change the processor count, and then try the operation again.
10630 The processor count of %Count; is not supported. The supported processor counts are %ValidProcessorCount; Change the processor count and then try the operation again.
10631 The virtualization software for virtual machine %VMName; does not support shared SCSI bus configurations. Specify a virtual machine with different virtualization software and then try the operation again.
10632 The virtualization software on the selected host does not support virtual hard disks on an IDE bus. Specify a host that is running Windows Hyper-V or Virtual Server or change the bus type, and then try the operation again.
10633 The virtualization software on the specified host does not support user impersonation using the "Run As" parameter. Do not specify "run-as" credentials and then try the operation again.
10634 Unable to store virtual machine %VMName; on library server %ServerName;. The virtual machine contains SAN-attached disks and cannot be stored on a highly available library server. Select "Transfer over the network," and then try the operation again.
10635 Virtual machine customization is not supported for the %OSName; operating system. Specify an operating system for which customization is supported and then try the operation again.
10636 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not support customization of the %OSName; operating system. Specify a host with different virtualization software and then try the operation again.
10637 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not support the %OSName; operating system. Specify a host with different virtualization software and then try the operation again.
10638 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not support setting NumLock. Specify a host that is running Windows Hyper-V and then try the operation again.
10639 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not support changing the BIOS configuration. Specify a host that is running Windows Hyper-V and then try the operation again.
10640 Hyper-V does not support the specified COM port setting. Specify a named pipe for the COM port. Hype-V does not support mapping a virtual COM port to a physical COM port or a text file.
10641 The virtualization software on the host %VMHostName; does not support the creation of dynamic virtual hard disk. Specify a Fixed Virtual Hard Disk disk type and then try the operation again.
10644 Virtual Machine Manager cannot access the WAIK (Windows Automated Installation Kit) Image Manager DLLs. Install WAIK and ensure that the Image Manager DLLs are installed in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache).
10645 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be cloned because it has checkpoints. That functionality is not supported for Hyper-V virtual machines. Delete all checkpoints for the virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10646 The source and target location for virtual hard disk %FileName; are the same. Ensure that the source and target locations are different and then try the operation again.
10647 The virtual network adapter is connected to a virtual network switch that is not valid. Ensure that virtual network switch exists or disconnect the virtual network adapter, and then try the operation again.
10648 Windows Hyper-V does not support attaching a virtual floppy drive to a physical drive. To configure a virtual floppy drive, migrate the virtual machine to a host with different virtualization software and then try the operation again.
10649 Unable to migrate or clone the virtual machine %VMName; because the processor is not compatible with the host %VMHostName;. To be migrated or cloned, the virtual machine must be stopped and should not contain any saved state or live checkpoints. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName;, use the Migrate or Clone Virtual Machine Wizard. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine.
10650 Unable to migrate or clone the virtual machine %VMName; because the version of virtualization software on the host %VMHostName; (%TargetHostVSVersion;) does not match the version of virtual machine's virtualization software on source (%SourceHostVSVersion;). To be migrated or cloned, the virtual machine must be stopped and should not contain any saved state. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName;, use the Migrate or Clone Virtual Machine Wizard. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine.
10651 Cannot create the template because source virtual machine %VMName; has checkpoints. \n\nThis feature is not supported for virtual machines that are deployed on hosts running Windows Hyper-V. Delete all checkpoints for the source virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10652 Cannot create template because source virtual machine %VMName; has pass-through disks. Convert pass-through disks to virtual hard disks and then try the operation again.
10653 The virtualization software on the host does not support the Limit Processor Functionality setting. Migrate the virtual machine to a Windows Hyper-V host and then try the operation again.
10654 Could not reset local Administrator password on %VMName; to empty string before starting Sysprep. Change the local security policy on the virtual machine to allow an empty string as a password and then try the operation again.
10655 Hardware changes while cloning a Hyper-V, VMware or stored virtual machine are not supported and were ignored. Make any hardware changes to the virtual machine after the cloning operation is complete.
10656 Unable to delete cluster resource group %FriendlyName; on host %VMHostName;. Use Failover Cluster Management to delete the cluster resource group.
10657 Unable to move the virtual hard disk because a valid Bus, LUN, and Bus Type are not specified. Specify a valid Bus, LUN, and BusType, and then try the operation again.
10658 The %CmdletName; cmdlet requires an -OperatingSystem or -GuestOSProfile parameter. Repeat the %CmdletName; cmdlet and specify a guest operating system, either directly (with the -OperatingSystem parameter) or by specifying a guest operating system profile (-GuestOSProfile parameter).
10659 Cannot run Sysprep on virtual machine %VMName; because the template does not have a virtual hard disk attached that has been generalized. Specify a template that has been generalized and then try the operation again.
10660 Cannot install virtualization guest services on virtual machine %VMName; because its virtual hard disks are generalized. Install the virtualization guest services after the virtual machine has been customized.
10661 The virtualization software on the selected host does not support conversion of a pass-through disk to a virtual hard disk. Migrate the virtual machine to a host that supports the conversion of pass-through disks and then try the operation again.
10662 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be cloned because the virtual machine has checkpoints. This functionality is not supported for VMware virtual machines. Delete all checkpoints for the virtual machine and then try the operation again.
10663 The specified pass-through disk and virtual machine are not on the same host. Ensure that the pass-through disk and virtual machine are on the same host, and then try the operation again.
10665 Cannot attach a pass-through disk to a virtual machine or template that is stored in the library. To add a pass-through disk (host disk) to a virtual machine, deploy the virtual machine to a host that supports pass-through disks.
10666 Hardware changes while creating a template from a virtual machine are not supported and were ignored. Make any hardware changes to the template after you create the template.
10667 The virtual machine being created from a template must contain at least one virtual hard disk, which must be generalized. Specify at least one virtual hard disk that is generalized and then try the operation again.
10668 Cannot clone the virtual machine because the source virtual machine %VMName; has pass-through disks. Convert the pass-through disks to virtual hard disks and then try the operation again.
10669 Pass-through disk %FileName; cannot be attached to the same virtual machine more than once. BLANK
10670 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not support the expanding of a differencing virtual hard disk. To expand the hard disk, migrate the virtual machine to a host that is running different virtualization software.
10671 Hard disk file %FileName; is not compatible with the SCSI adapter on %VMName;. Either specify a compatible hard disk file or convert hard disk file %FileName; by using the VMware VirtualCenter server.
10672 You cannot remove virtual hard disk %FileName; with the Remove-VirtualHardDisk cmdlet because this virtual hard disk is associated with a virtual machine on host. Use the Remove-VirtualDiskDrive cmdlet to remove virtual hard disk %FileName;.
10673 Unable to share the SCSI adapter. A shared SCSI adapter can only have one virtual hard disk attached to location 0. Ensure that the SCSI adapter has one virtual hard disk attached to location 0 and then try the operation again.
10674 Integration services cannot be enabled on a virtual machine that is stored in the library. Deploy the virtual machine to a Hyper-V host and then try the operation again.
10675 Virtual machine customization is not supported for the %OSName; operating system. Please use the -NoCustomization parameter to create a template with the specified operating system. Specify an operating system for which customization is supported, or use the -NoCustomization parameter, and try the operation again.
10676 Unable to create virtual hard disk %FileName; on library server %ServerName;. VMM cannot create a virtual hard disk on a library server that is not also a virtual machine host. Select a library server that is also a virtual machine host, or use an existing virtual hard disk, and try the operation again.
10677 The Hyper-V exported file %FileName; is not valid. Specify a valid Hyper-V exp file.
10678 VMM cannot enable VLAN settings because the Virtual Network Adapter associated with virtual machine %VMName; is not connected to a virtual network. BLANK
10679 The virtual machine %VMName; resource group %FileName; could not be deleted from host %VMHostName;. Manually delete resource group %FileName; from the host.
10680 Disk %FileName; cannot be attached as a pass-through to virtual machine %VMName; because one or more volumes on the disk already are used by the same virtual machine. Please specify a disk resource that is not used by this virtual machine or any other virtual machine, and then try the operation again.
10681 Virtual Machine Manager cannot add virtual hard disk %FileName; because its format is not compatible with other disks on virtual machine %VMName;. BLANK
10682 Virtual Machine Manager cannot add virtual hard disk %FileName; because its format is not compatible with other disks on template %VMName;. BLANK
10683 Unable to contact cluster service on %ComputerName;. Ensure that the cluster service is properly installed and running.
10684 The virtualization software on host %VMHostName; does not allow a virtual machine name to exceed %MaxLength; characters. Specify a shorter virtual machine name and then try the operation again.
10685 You cannot perform set or remove operations on objects associated with a VM checkpoint. BLANK
10686 Virtual Machine Manager cannot clone virtual machine %VMName; on the Virtual Server host to a Hyper-V host because the virtual machine is in a saved state. Delete the saved state, and then try the operation again.
10687 To create a template from a virtual machine, the virtual machine must have at least one virtual hard disk attached. Ensure that the virtual machine has at least one virtual hard disk attached, and then try the operation again.
10688 Virtual hard disk %FileName; is of type .vmdk. VMM does not support it on an IDE bus. Either select a virtual hard disk of different type or select a SCSI adapter, and then try the operation again.
10689 Virtual Machine Manager does not support adding pass-through disks to virtual machines with checkpoints. Ensure that virtual machine %VMName; does not contain checkpoints and then try the operation again.
10690 Hyper-V does not support boot and system volumes on a disk attached to SCSI adapter. The disk at the location (%BusType;, %Bus;, %Lun;) must be moved to an IDE bus for the machine to boot up. Modify the bus assignments so that boot and system volume disks are located on an IDE bus.
10691 Hyper-V does not support boot and system volumes on a disk attached to SCSI adapter. All disks containing boot and system volumes must be moved to an IDE bus for the machine to boot up. Modify the bus assignments so that boot and system volume disks are located on an IDE bus.
10692 VMM cannot enable or disable the MAC addresses spoofing or VM network optimization settings because the Virtual Network Adapter associated with virtual machine %VMName; is not connected to a virtual network. Connect the virtual network adapter to a virtual network, and then try the operation again.
10693 Unable to migrate or clone virtual machine %VMName; because the processor is not compatible with host %VMHostName;. To be migrated or cloned, processor features must be limited in the virtual machine hardware configuration.  In addition, the virtual machine should not contain any saved state or checkpoints. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName;, use either the Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard or the Clone Virtual Machine Wizard. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine.
10694 Unable to migrate or clone the virtual machine %VMName; because the version of virtualization software on the host %VMHostName; (%TargetHostVSVersion;) does not match the version of virtual machine's virtualization software on source (%SourceHostVSVersion;). To be migrated or cloned, the virtual machine must be stopped and should not contain any snapshots or saved state. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName;, use the Migrate or Clone Virtual Machine Wizard. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine.
10695 The Virtual Machine Network Optimization setting is supported only for synthetic virtual network adapters. Choose a synthetic virtual network adapter, and try the operation again.
10696 The host network adapter does not support the specified virtual network adapter configuration. Select a host network adapter that supports this configuration.
10697 Could not initiate live migration of Virtual machine %VMName; to virtual machine host %VMHostName; using this cluster configuration. Check the cluster configuration and then try the operation again.
10698 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be live migrated to virtual machine host %VMHostName; using this cluster configuration. Check the cluster configuration and then try the operation again.
10699 Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be deployed or migrated to host %VMHostName; because the host is in maintenance mode. Retry the operation after the host is out of maintenance mode.
10700 This operation cannot be performed because host %VMHostName; is in maintenance mode. Wait until the host is out of maintenance mode, and then try the operation again.
10701 The virtualization software on the selected host does not support adding or removing a virtual disk drive on IDE adapter while the virtual machine is running. Ensure that the virtual machine is in stopped state or select a SCSI adapter and try the operation again.
10702 This operation cannot be performed because a host %VMHostName; is not in maintenance mode. Place the host in maintenance mode, and then try the operation again.
10703 The specified file name %FileName; is not valid. Check the file name for characters that are not valid, and then try the operation again.
10704 The virtualization software on the host does not support the Limit Processor For Migration setting. Shut down and then migrate the virtual machine to a Windows Hyper-V R2 host, and then try the operation again.
10705 The virtualization platform on host %VMHostName; does not support the Limit Processor for Migration setting.  After migration, the processor features for virtual machine %VMName; will not be limited for migration. Clear the Limit Processor for Migration setting from the virtual machine hardware configuration, and then try the operation again.
10706 Processor compatibility information for virtual machine %VMName; is not available.  The virtual machine may not start or operate correctly on server %VMHostName;. Export and import the virtual machine using SCVMM and retry the operation.
10707 Virtual machine %VMName; is not compatible with host %VMHostName;.  The virtual machine may not start or operate correctly on host %VMHostName;.  This may be due to inconsistent processor compatibility information. Store the virtual machine back to the library, and then try the operation again.
10708 Virtual machine %VMName; and server %VMHostName; use processors from different manufacturers. A running or saved virtual machine cannot be migrated to a server that has a processor from a different manufacturer. Shut down the virtual machine or select a target host that has a processor from the same manufacturer and then try the operation again.
10709 Virtual machine %VMName; is using processor-specific features not supported on host %VMHostName;. To allow for migration of this virtual machine to a server with a different processor, modify the virtual machine settings to limit the processor features used by the virtual machine. Limit the processor features for the virtual machine on the processor tab of the hardware configuration page, and then try the operation again.
10710 Cannot perform a storage migration on the virtual machine because the source virtual machine %VMName; has pass-through disks. Convert the pass-through disks to virtual hard disks and then try the operation again.
10711 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved using live migration to host %VMHostName; because another live migration is in progress. Wait until the conflicting live migration is complete, and then try the operation again.
10712 Moving Virtual machine %VMName; to host %VMHostName; using live migration timed out after waiting for %LMTimeoutInSecs; seconds. Check the cluster configuration and then try the operation again.
10713 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved using live migration to host %VMHostName; because the operation was cancelled. Retry the operation.
10714 VMM cannot determine the processor family for server %VMHostName;.  Virtual machine %VMName; may not start or operate correctly on server %VMHostName;. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName;, use the Migrate or Clone Virtual Machine Wizard. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine.
10715 VMM cannot determine the processor family for virtual machine %VMName; or one of its snapshots.  The virtual machine may not start or operate correctly on server %VMHostName;. To select the most suitable host for virtual machine %VMName;, use the Migrate or Clone Virtual Machine Wizard. The wizard rates all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine.
10716 Local files have not been specified for some virtual disk drives attached to the new new Virtual Machine. When the -UseLocalVirtualHardDisk parameter is specified, VMM requires that a local file be specified for each virtual disk drive that is attached to the virtual machine.
10717 The specified local virtual hard disk file %FileName; is already attached to another virtual machine. Ensure that the specified file is not attached to another virtual machine, and then try the operation again.
10718 VMM does not support attachment of a local virtual hard disk file to virtual machine in library. Ensure that the virtual machine is on a host, and then try the operation again.
10719 VMM does not support the specification of an UNC path with the -UseLocalVirtualHardDiskFile parameter. Specify a local file path for the virtual hard disk file, and then try the operation again.
10720 Path to local file must be specified for the virtual disk drive Specify the local file path using -Path parameter and retry the operation.
10721 VMM does not support the attachment of a local virtual hard disk in a clone virtual machine operation. None
10722 VMM does not support the attachment of a local virtual hard disk with the specified parameters. None
10723 You cannot undo the migration job of virtual machine %VMName; at this stage. To complete the migration of the virtual machine to its original destination, retry the migration job.                 
10724 The specified maximum memory value is less than the specified startup memory value. Either ensure that the maximum memory value is greater than the startup memory value, or do not use Dynamic Memory allocation. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.              
10725 To specify the maximum memory value or the preferred buffer percentage, Dynamic Memory must be enabled. Enable Dynamic Memory on the virtual machine or hardware profile, and then set these properties. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.              
10726 To configure Dynamic Memory settings, including the relative memory weight, the host must be running Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 or later. For a Hyper-V virtual machine, either disable Dynamic Memory or place the virtual machine on a host that supports Dynamic Memory. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.       
10727 To change the relative memory weight or the preferred buffer percentage, the virtual machine must be off, running, or paused. The virtual machine cannot be in a saved state. Resume or turn off the saved virtual machine to configure these properties. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.                
 10740 To specify the maximum number of monitors or the maximum monitor resolution, the Microsoft RemoteFX 3D video adapter must be enabled. Enable the RemoteFX 3D video adapter on the virtual machine or hardware profile, and then set these properties. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.                
 10741 To configure Microsoft RemoteFX 3D video adapter settings, the host must be running Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 or later, with RemoteFX enabled. RemoteFX is a feature of the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host role service under the Remote Desktop Services role. For a Hyper-V virtual machine, either configure the video adapter setting on the virtual machine to use the standard video adapter (disable the RemoteFX 3D video adapter if using the VMM command shell) or place the virtual machine on a host that supports the RemoteFX 3D video adapter. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.                
 10742 The specified maximum monitor resolution %MonitorResolution; is either not valid or is not supported. Specify a valid monitor resolution, and then try the operation again. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.                
 10743 To configure Microsoft RemoteFX 3D video adapter settings, the host CPU must support Second-Level Address Translation (SLAT). For a Hyper-V virtual machine, either configure the video adapter setting on the virtual machine to use the standard video adapter or place the virtual machine on a host with a CPU that supports SLAT. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.                
 10744 To configure Microsoft RemoteFX 3D video adapter settings, the host must have at least one RemoteFX-compatible graphics processing unit (GPU). For a Hyper-V virtual machine, either disable the RemoteFX 3D video adapter or place the virtual machine on a host with a RemoteFX-compatible GPU. Applies to VMM 2008 R2 SP1.                
10800 Unable to import %FileName; because of a syntax error in the file. BLANK
10801 Unable to import virtual hard disk %FileName; because one of its data files, %ParentFileName;, could not be imported. BLANK
10802 Unable to import %FileName; because of a syntax error in the file. BLANK
10803 Unable to refresh %FileName; because the file is in use by another process. Wait for the next automatic library refresh, or manually refresh the library share after the process completes.
10804 Unable to import %FileName; because of a syntax error in the file. BLANK
10805 Unable to index hard disk %WsvObjectId; from the file %FileName; because the disk is a pass-through disk. BLANK
10806 Unable to import %ParentFileName; because one of its dependent files, %FileName;, is already being managed as a standalone %ObjectType; by VMM. BLANK
10807 The %ObjectType; %FileName; was not attached to %ObjectType2; %ObjectName; because %FileName; is already being managed as a standalone %ObjectType; by VMM. BLANK
10808 The %ObjectType; %FileName; was not attached to %ObjectType2; %ObjectName; because %FileName; could not be found. BLANK
10809 The %ObjectType; %FileName; was not attached to %ObjectType2; %ObjectName; because of errors encountered while attempting to import %FileName;. BLANK
10810 Unable to import the %ObjectType; %FileName; due to errors encountered while attempting to import the file. BLANK
10811 The VMM server was unable to impersonate the supplied credentials. Add the library server without adding any library shares. Once that task has completed successfully add the library shares.
10812 The %ObjectType; configuration file %FileName; was not imported because %FileName2; could not be found. BLANK