Virtual Machine Manager Error Codes (3500-3999)
Links to other error code pages can be found on the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Error Codes page.
To find a specific error message in this table, type Ctrl-F and enter the error code. If you have additional information about how to fix an error, add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.
Code | Message | Recommended Action (in product) | Additional Troubleshooting Information |
3500 | Virtual Server host is unavailable. | BLANK | |
3501 | Not enough disk space on volumes. Maximum disk space is %BinaryDiskSpaceAvailable; MB. | BLANK | |
3502 | Not enough disk space on volumes due to disk reserves. Maximum disk space is %BinaryDiskSpaceAvailable; MB. | BLANK | |
3503 | Not enough memory available. Maximum memory available is %MemorySize; MB. Accounting for reserves, maximum memory available is %MemorySizeAfterReserves; MB. | BLANK | |
3504 | Not enough memory available due to memory reserves. Maximum memory available is %MemorySize; MB. | BLANK | |
3505 | The projected CPU utilization %Percentage;%% exceeds the reserved CPU utilization of %PercentageReserve;%%. | BLANK | |
3506 | The projected network utilization %Percentage;%% of %LinkSpeed; Mbps exceeds the reserved network capacity percentage of %PercentageReserve;%%. | BLANK | |
3507 | Not enough performance data. | BLANK | |
3508 | Duplicate virtual machine name %VirtualMachineName; was discovered. | BLANK | |
3509 | ID %ProcessorTypeGuid; is not found in the list of supported processors. | Ensure that the processor ID is valid and then try the operation again. | |
3510 | There is insufficient disk space on the volume %VolumeDriveLetter; to complete placement of the virtual machine. | Free %BinaryDiskSpaceRequired; of disk space on the volume %VolumeDriveLetter;, or choose a different volume to continue with the placement. | |
3511 | The path %PathName; exceeds the maximum allowed length by %DiffFromMaxLimit; characters. | The maximum length allowed in a path is %MaxLimit; characters. Enter a shorter path, and then try the operation again. | |
3512 | The projected disk I/O utilization (IOPS) %ProjectedIOPS; exceeds the maximum disk I/O utilization (IOPS) of %MaximumIOPS;. | BLANK | |
3513 | Unable to set the value for %Parameter;. The sum of all elements exceeds the maximum length of %MaxLength;. | Choose a different value below the maximum length, and then try the operation again. | |
3514 | Unable to connect to the Virtual Server service on the library server %ServerName;. | Ensure that the Virtual Server service is installed and running on the library server. | |
3516 | The specified virtual network adapter configuration is not supported by the host virtualization software. | Update the virtual network adapter configuration and then try the operation again. | |
3517 | Unable to save the virtual machine configuration files because volume %VolumeDriveLetter; is marked as unavailable for placement. | Select a different save path for this virtual machine and then try the operation again. | |
3518 | The VLAN setting for one or more network adapters on virtual machine %VMName; is not compatible with the virtualization software on host %VMHostName;. | Ensure that virtual LAN identification is disabled for all network adapters listed in the hardware configuration of virtual machine %VMName; or specify a different host, and then try the operation again. |