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Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Error Codes (1000-1499)

Links to other error code pages can be found on the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Error Codes page.

To find a specific error message in this table, type Ctrl-F and enter the error code. If you have additional information about how to fix an error, add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.

Code Message Recommended Action (in product) Additional Troubleshooting Information 
1201 Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be transferred. To be transferred, a virtual machine must be stopped, shut down, in a saved state or stored in the library. A virtual machine in a failed state cannot be transferred Stop, shut down, or save the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is in a failed state, use "Repair virtual machine" to repair the virtual machine. Then try the operation again.
1202 You cannot migrate a virtual machine to the location where it currently resides. Specify a new location to transfer the virtual machine, and then try the operation again.
1204 The server %VMHostName; does not contain any host bus adapter (HBA) ports. Fibre Channel SAN transfer cannot be used. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1205 Virtual Machine Manager cannot transfer virtual machine %VMName; over the SAN because the VMM server %VMHostName; does not have a Virtual Disk Service (VDS) hardware provider installed. Instead, transfer the virtual machine over the LAN or install a VDS hardware provider on the VMM server.
1206 A Virtual Disk Service (VDS) error occurred on server %VMHostName;. Try the operation again.
1207 Virtual Machine Manager cannot transfer the virtual machine %VMName; over the SAN because the virtual machine resides on a volume that maps to a dynamic disk. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see the Virtual Machine Manager Planning and Deployment Guide for information about using a SAN.
1208 Virtual Machine %VMName; is on a volume which maps to multiple disks. SAN transfer cannot be used. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see the Virtual Machine Manager Planning and Deployment Guide for information about using a SAN.
1209 Virtual Machine %VMName; resides on a non SAN disk. SAN transfer cannot be used. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see the Virtual Machine Manager Planning and Deployment Guide for information about using a SAN.
1210 The Virtual Machine %VMName; is placed on a SAN which does not support globally unique identifiers for LUNs. SAN transfer cannot be used. Instead, transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1211 Unable to access Virtual Disk Service (VDS) 1.1 interface on server %VMHostName;. To finish installing VDS 1.1, restart %VMHostName; to complete the installation.
1212 Virtual Machine %VMName; is placed on a basic disk which contains other volumes. SAN transfer cannot be used. Instead, transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see Virtual Machine Manager Help for information about using a SAN.
1213 Unable to mount volume at %FolderPath; on server %VMHostName;. Ensure that the path %FolderPath; exists and that the folder is empty. Ensure that another volume is not mounted at this path, and then try the operation again.
1214 Virtual Machine %VMName; resides on a LUN, which cannot be found. Ensure that the LUN, which contains virtual machine %VMName;, is unmasked to virtual machine host %VMHostName;. Then try the operation again.
1215 An error has occurred while dismounting the volume at location %FolderPath;. For more information, check the event log of the virtual machine host, and then try the operation again.
1216 The required version of Virtual Disk Service (VDS) is not installed on server %VMHostName;. Install VDS 1.1 on the virtual machine host %VMHostName;, and then try the operation again.
1217 The files of virtual machine %VMName; reside on different LUNs. SAN transfer cannot be used. Instead, transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see Virtual Machine Manager Help for information about using a SAN.
1218 The virtual machine %VMName; is already stored in the library. BLANK
1219 The file system path %FolderPath; associated with virtual machine %VMName; is not valid. Ensure the virtual machine %VMName; exists and the path %FolderPath; is valid, and then try the operation again.
1220 The file %FileName; was not transferred correctly. Try the operation again.
1221 Virtual Machine %VMName; cannot be transferred over the SAN because it contains virtual disks that are shared with other virtual machines. Verify that the virtual machine does not contain differencing disks that are shared with other virtual machines or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1222 There is insufficient disk space on the volume %SystemVolumeDriveLetter; on server %VMHostName; to complete the transfer. Free %BinaryDiskSpaceRequired; MB of disk space on the volume %SystemVolumeDriveLetter; on server %VMHostName; to transfer virtual machine %VMName; to %FolderPath;.
1223 Virtual machine %VMName; already exists on virtual machine host %VMHostName;. Transfer virtual machine %VMName; to a different host, and then try the operation again.
1224 Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be transferred because it is associated with two files with identical names - %SourceFile1;, %SourceFile2;. Disassociate one of the files from the virtual machine %VMName; or rename the file by performing the following steps: 1. Disassociate the file from the virtual machine 2. Rename the file 3. Associate the file with the virtual machine.
1225 The DVD drive %DriveName; associated with the virtual machine %VMName; does not exist on host %VMHostName;. BLANK
1226 The floppy drive %DriveName; associated with the virtual machine %VMName; does not exist on host %VMHostName;. BLANK
1227 The target location for a SAN transfer %FolderPath; cannot be on a FAT volume. Specify a different target location on an NTFS volume, and then try the operation again.
1228 The server %VMHostName; cannot recognize the LUN that virtual machine %VMName; is placed on. Check your Fibre Channel zoning policy to ensure that the server %VMHostName; can recognize the LUN virtual machine %VMName; is placed on. If you have recently changed your Fibre Channel configuration wait approximately 30 minutes and try the operation again. If server %VMHostName; is a virtual machine host you can manually refresh the properties by using the Refresh-VMHost cmdlet.
1229 The server %VMHostName; cannot recognize the LUN that virtual machine %VMName; is placed on. Check your iSCSI configuration to Ensure that the server %VMHostName; can connect to the iSCSI target Virtual machine %VMName; is placed on. If you have recently changed your iSCSI configuration, wait approximately 30 minutes and try the operation again. If server %VMHostName; is a virtual machine host you can manually refresh the properties by using the Refresh-VMHost cmdlet.
1230 There are multiple virtual machines %NameList; on the LUN that virtual machine %VMName; is placed on. SAN transfer cannot be used. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1231 The server %VMHostName; does not have the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator installed. iSCSI SAN transfer cannot be used. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1232 An error occurred while logging off the iSCSI initiator on server %VMHostName; from target %IscsiTargetName;. Check the event log of server %VMHostName; for more information. Verify that all open file handles on any of the disks of iSCSI target %IscsiTargetName; are closed, and try the operation again.
1233 The iSCSI initiator on server %VMHostName; is unable to log on to target %IscsiTargetName;. For more information, check the event log of server %VMHostName;, and then try the operation again.
1234 The virtual machine %VMName; is exposed to a target which contains other LUNs. iSCSI transfer is not possible. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1235 The iSCSI target %IscsiTargetName; is not visible to machine %VMHostName;. Check your iSCSI configuration and then try the operation again.
1236 The iSCSI subsystem %FriendlyName; is not visible to machine %VMHostName;. Check your iSCSI configuration and verify that iSCSI subsystem %FriendlyName; is visible to virtual machine host %VMHostName;, and then try the operation again.
1237 The Virtual Network %VirtualNetworkName; associated with the virtual machine %VMName; does not exist on host %VMHostName;. BLANK
1238 The virtual machine %VMName; cannot be used in this operation because it is on a perimeter network. Move virtual machine %VMName; off of the perimeter network or select a virtual machine that is not on a perimeter network, and then try the operation again.
1239 The volume %DriveName; is not completely uninstalled on server %VMHostName;. Restart server %VMHostName; to complete the uninstall. BLANK
1240 The file %FileName; is already present on server %VMHostName;. Move the file %FileName; to a different location, and then try the operation again.
1241 The virtual machine %VMName; cannot start on server %VMHostName;. BLANK
1242 The specified target path %SharePath; is not on a VMM library share on server %VMHostName;. Specify a location that is on a library share, and then try the operation again.
1243 The RunAs credentials cannot be applied for virtual machine %VMName; on server %VMHostName;. Change the RunAs Credentials from the Virtual Server Actions tab in the virtual machine properties page. BLANK
1244 Virtual Machine %VMName; resides on a LUN, which is not visible to the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) hardware provider on machine %VMHostName;. Ensure that the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Hardware provider is installed and running on machine %VMHostName;. Then try the operation again.
1245 SAN is not configured for this server. BLANK
1247 Unable to migrate virtual machine %VMName; because %VMHostName; is not a suitable host for this virtual machine. Use the Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard to rate all available hosts based on their suitability for this virtual machine.
1248 VMM cannot access the file or folder %FileName; because it is encrypted. Remove the encryption from file or folder %FileName; and retry the operation.
1249 The server name specified in the target path %SharePath; does not match the fully qualified domain name of the selected VMM library server - %VMHostName;. Specify the FQDN of the library server in the target path, and then try the operation again.
1250 Virtual Machine %VMName; cannot be transferred over the SAN because it contains an ISO - %FileName; that is shared with other virtual machines. Ensure the virtual machine does not contain an ISO that is shared with other virtual machines, or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1251 Virtual Machine %VMName; resides on a LUN, which does not have a volume on machine %VMHostName;. If the LUN was recently moved, wait for the volume on the LUN to arrive and then try the operation again.
1252 The server %VMHostName; does not have an HBA which supports NPIV. If server %VMHostName; contains an HBA that supports NPIV, ensure that the right version of firmware and driver are installed, or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1253 NPIV transfer cannot be used because the server %VMHostName; does not have a Microsoft MPIO solution installed. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1254 NPIV transfer cannot be used because the virtual machine %VMName; is not stored on a LUN that is unmasked to a Virtual Port. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1255 An unknown error occurred performing an NPIV operation on server %VMHostName;. Try the operation again.
1256 The physical port %PhysicalWWPN; on server %VMHostName; already has the maximum %MaxLimit; virtual ports. Select a different server and try the operation again
1257 NPIV transfer cannot be used because the physical port %PhysicalWWPN; on server %VMHostName; is connected to a fabric that does not support NPIV. Select a different server and try the operation again
1258 The creation of virtual port %VirtualWWPN; on server %VMHostName; failed due to lack of resources. Ensure that server %VMHostName; has enough memory and try the operation again
1259 A virtual port with WWPN %VirtualWWPN; already exists on server %VMHostName;. Select a different server and try the operation again.
1260 The format of the WWPN of virtual port %VirtualWWPN; is not valid. Specify a valid WWPN and then try the operation again.
1261 An NPIV operation failed on server %VMHostName; because the SAN link is not operational. Ensure that the server %VMHostName; is connected to the SAN and then try the operation again.
1262 The virtual port %VirtualWWPN; does not exist on server %VMHostName;. Ensure that the virtual port %VirtualWWPN; exists on server %VMHostName; and then try the operation again.
1263 The format of the tag of the virtual port %VirtualWWPN; - %VirtualTag; is not valid. Specify a valid tag and then try the operation again.
1264 The format of the symbolic name of the virtual port %VirtualWWPN; - %VirtualSymbolicName; is not valid. Specify a valid symbolic name and then try the operation again.
1265 The format of the WWNN - %VirtualWWNN; of the virtual port %VirtualWWPN; is not valid. Specify a valid WWNN and then try the operation again.
1266 The format of the WWPN of the physical port - %PhysicalWWPN; of virtual port %VirtualWWPN; is not valid. Specify a valid WWPN and then try the operation again.
1267 The HBA %AdapterPNPInstanceName; was not found on server %VMHostName;. Ensure that the adapter exists and then try the operation again.
1268 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved to virtual machine host %VMHostName; using this cluster configuration. Check the cluster configuration and then try the operation again.
1269 Unable to move virtual machine %VMName; over LAN because pass-through disks are attached. Convert the pass-through disks to virtual hard disks. Otherwise, remove the pass-through disks and then try the operation again.
1270 %DetailedErrorMessage; Try the operation again.
1271 %DetailedErrorMessage; Try the operation again.
1272 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved to virtual machine host %VMHostName; because the target path was not specified. Specify a valid target path and then try the operation again.
1273 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved because it has checkpoints. Remove all of the checkpoints and then try the operation again.
1274 Virtual machine %VMName; which has pass-through disks, cannot be transferred over the SAN because it has snapshots or it is in a saved or running state. Delete any snapshots, turn off the virtual machine, and then try the operation again.
1275 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved to Hyper-V host %VMHostName; because it has checkpoints. Remove all of the checkpoints and then try the operation again.
1276 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved to Hyper-V host %VMHostName; because it has checkpoints. These checkpoints must be permanently removed before moving the virtual machine.Do you want to permanently remove the checkpoints? BLANK
1277 Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be transferred. Volume %SystemVolumeDriveLetter; on server %VMHostName; is unavailable for placement. Select a volume that is available for placement.
1278 Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be moved to host %VMHostName;. The source and destination hosts have incompatible virtualization software. Use a different destination host.
1279 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved because it has snapshot virtual hard disks. Remove all of the checkpoints, merge the snapshot virtual hard disks (.avhd), and then try the operation again.
1280 Virtual Machine Manager cannot link ISO %FileName; to virtual machine %VMName; on host %VMHostName;. Linking to an ISO image stored in a library is not supported for virtual machines on Hyper-V hosts. BLANK
1281 %VMName; could not be migrated because it is a VMware template. Select a virtual machine instead of a template and try the operation again.
1282 Virtual machine %VMName; could not be moved because it has checkpoints. Checkpoints are not supported for VMware virtual machines. Remove all of the checkpoints and then try the operation again.
1283 VMM cannot transfer the virtual machine %VMName; over the SAN because this virtual machine is placed on multiple LUNs of different SAN types. Ensure that virtual machine is placed on single type of SAN LUN or transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1284 Unable to migrate virtual machine %VMName; to host %VMHostName; over the SAN because SAN transfers between clustered and non-clustered hosts are not supported. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1285 Virtual Machine Manager cannot perform hardware configuration changes on virtual machine %VMName; because it has snapshots or saved state. This functionality is not supported in the VMM library for Hyper-V virtual machines with saved state or snapshots. Deploy the virtual machine to a Hyper-V host and then try the operation again.
1286 Virtual machine %VMName; on %VMHostName; could not be stored because it is in saved state. Discard the saved state and then try the operation again.
1287 Virtual machine %VMName; on %VMHostName; could not be stored because it has multiple virtual hard disks with the same name %FileName;. Rename the virtual hard disks to have unique names and then try the operation again.
1288 The VMware ESX Server host %VMHostName; is in maintenance mode. It is not available for deployments or migrations of virtual machines. Retry the operation after the host is out of maintenance mode. To end maintenance mode, use VMware VirtualCenter.
1289 NPIV transfer is not supported because virtual machine %VMName; is stored on a LUN that is unmasked to a virtual port that has multiple LUNs. Unmask the other LUNs to a different virtual port, and then retry the operation.
1290 The iSCSI initiator on server %VMHostName; is not logged on persistently to target %IscsiTargetName;. Log on the iSCSI initiator and then try the operation again.
1291 VMM cannot perform a SAN transfer because virtual machine %VMName; is on a cluster shared volume, %PathName;, on host %VMHostName;. Transfer the virtual machine over the LAN.
1401 You do not have the permission required to perform this operation. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to obtain the appropriate permissions.
1408 Cannot locate the user role because it no longer exists. Close and reopen the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console, and then try the operation again.
1410 The template %FriendlyName; has already been added to this user role. Select a different template, and then try the operation again.
1411 Removing a user role might prevent some users from accessing Virtual Machine Manager resources.\n\nDo you want to continue? BLANK
1413 The requested operation would exceed the assigned quota. Make more resources available, and then try the operation again.
1417 Virtual Machine Manager cannot find a domain account for member %UserName;. A member of a user role must have an Active Directory Domain Services account. Specify a valid domain account, or click Browse to select an account, and then try the operation again.
1418 Unable to deploy the virtual machine because no suitable host for this virtual machine was found. Contact your VMM administrator to gain access to additional hosts.
1419 Unable to create the virtual machine because no suitable host for this virtual machine was found. Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator.