How to Build a Combined Set of KIWI and EMU VMs (SQL Server 2012 Demos)
This article describes how to modify the KIWI VM build (for SQL Server 2012 demos) so that it uses a separate, central domain controller VM shared with other VMs. The only VM from the EMU set of VMs that is modified is EMU-DC (KIWI needs to be added to the domain).
Let's call this modified version of the KIWI virtual machine KIWI.V2.
Note: the VM that you use to build KIWI.V2 will need to be a separate activated VM (sysprepped) from the one used to build EMU-DC. You will not be able to join the domain otherwise.
System requirements: be aware that if you want to run all VMs at the same time, this will require 12-15GB of free RAM (not including some left over for the host OS). Otherwise, you can spin up the domain controller + KIWI or one of the EMU sets one at a time.
- Create the EMU VMs following this wiki article:
- Reference the KIWI build from this wiki article:
- As you build KIWI, use the following modifications:
- Configure network adapter to use IP:, subnet:, default gateway:, DNS:
- Note: is EMU-DC
- At end of existing "Base OS Setup and Configuration" section, start EMU-DC and join KIWI to the contoso domain
- note: both EMU-DC and KIWI need to have an internal network adapter configured and set to the same VLAN number in hyper-v settings
- Note that EMU-DC already has a CONTOSO\sqlservice account setup. Wherever the KIWI steps call for using this domain account, continue to do so but keep in mind that EMU-DC needs to be spun up and accessible when KIWI is running
- Configure network adapter to use IP:, subnet:, default gateway:, DNS:
- As you build KIWI, use the following modifications:
VM configuration & startup notes:
- Make sure CONTOSO domain machines have an internal NIC configured in Hyper-V that is on same VLAN number for domain networking
- Follow configuration steps in EMU wiki for additional network configuration for those machines
Potential issues:
**If you are trying to log into a VM with domain credentials and see an error message about the trust relationship to the DC, here is a workaround. Log into the VM using local Administrator account, same Password;1. Next, open a command prompt and reset the machine account password:
netdom resetpwd /server:emu-dc /userd:contoso\administrator /password:Password;1
Finally, log out and test the domain login again. It should now work.
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