ILM: How to Get Attribute Data from a Referenced Object
Some background information:
When ILM directly imports a reference attribute (CS>MV), it tries to maintain the reference, using the technique of referential integrity.
ILM automatically translates the link between the two objects (user > manager) from CS to Metaverse.
The MV object does not have a DN, but an ObjectGUID.
ILM translates the reference from CS DN to MV GUID.
A small example:
In MV the reference is translated to:
So you can’t use the CSEntry.DN value to search the metaverse directly. Neither can you search the connector space in extension code. There is no FindMVentries equivalent for the connector space.
Also, you can’t access a MVEntry reference attribute.
More information:
This import flow code will fail:
Public Sub MapAttributesForImport( _
ByVal FlowRuleName As String, _
ByVal csentry As CSEntry, _
ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
Implements IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport
Select Case FlowRuleName
Case "cd.user:manager->mv.user:department"
‘can’t search in connector space
‘trying to search metaverse
If mventry("manager").IsPresent Then
Dim findResultList() As MVEntry = _
Utils.FindMVEntries("ObjectGUID", mventry("manager").Value.ToString, 1)
If findResultList.Length > 0 Then
Dim firstMVEntryFound As MVEntry = findResultList(0)
mventry("department").Value = firstMVEntryFound("department").Value.ToString
End If
End If
Case Else
Throw New EntryPointNotImplementedException()
End Select
End Sub
Error message: ”System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to access attribute manager. Reference values not accessible on MV objects.”
So we need another approach.
We need some (non-referential) link to the manager, to be able to search the MV.
To document this it was using an AD MA. The only link between the user and manager in AD is still a reference (by DN) and you can’t change that. (There is no other attribute linking them…)
As an example:
But you can store the DN as string value in an additional attribute like “ADdn” (string).
So: flow the CS <DN> into the MV.
(Or another ‘simple’ attribute if you have one to link to the manager…)
Next create a import flow rule to import an attribute from a referenced object:
Public Sub MapAttributesForImport( _
ByVal FlowRuleName As String, _
ByVal userCSEntry As CSEntry, _
ByVal userMVEntry As MVEntry) _
Implements IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport
Select Case FlowRuleName
Case "cd.user:manager->mv.user:department"
'simple sample code block to flow managers department into MV
'can be made more complex to flow only when user is manager
If userCSEntry("department").IsPresent Then
userMVEntry("department").Value = userCSEntry("department").Value
End If
'code block to flow manager's department in user's department
If userCSEntry("manager").IsPresent Then
'search for the manager
Dim findManagerResultList() As MVEntry = _
Utils.FindMVEntries("ADdn", userCSEntry("manager").Value.ToString, 1)
If findManagerResultList.Length > 0 Then
'get first entry
Dim mvManagerFound As MVEntry = findManagerResultList(0)
'if department filled, flow it
If mvManagerFound("department").IsPresent Then
userMVEntry("department").Value = mvManagerFound("department").Value
End If
End If
End If
Case Else
Throw New EntryPointNotImplementedException()
End Select
End Sub
Look at this example:
First, sync the manager to have the department attribute available:
(Eg preview > Commit preview, like shown below)
Next sync the user: preview > Commit preview, like shown below:
The user department has now been filled with the Manager’s department.