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OutOfMemoryException and Pinning

As you all know, in CLR memory management is done by Garbage collector (GC). When GC can't find memory in preallocated memory chunk (GC heap) for new objects and can't book enough memory from the OS to expand GC heap, it throws OutOfMemoryException (OOM).


The problem

From time to time, I've heard complaints about OOM - people analyze code and monitor memory usage, find out that sometimes their .NET applications throw OOM when there's enough free memory. In most cases I've seen, the problems are:

  1. The virtual address space of the OS is fragmented. This is usually caused by some unmanaged components in the application. This issue exists in unmanaged world for long time, but it could hit GC hard. GC heap is managed in unit of segments, whose size is 16MB for workstation version and 32MB for server version in V1.0 and V1.1. That means when CLR needs to expand GC heap, it has to find 32MB consecutive free virtual memory for a server application. Usually this is not a problem in a system with 2GB address space for user mode. But if there are some unmanaged DLLs in the application manipulating virtual memory without carefulness, the virtual address space could be divided into small blocks of free and reserved memory. Thus GC would fail to find a big enough piece of free memory although the total free memory is enough. This kind of problems could be found out by looking through the whole virtual address space to see which block is reserved by which component.
  2. The GC heap itself is fragmented, meaning GC can't allocate objects in already reserved segments which actually have enough free space inside. I want to focus on this problem in this blog. 

A glance of GC heap

Usually managed heap shouldn't suffer from fragmentation problem because the heap is compacted during GC. Blow shows an oversimplified model of CLR's GC heap: 

  • All objects are adjacent to each other; the top of heap is free space. 


       |free |


       |Object B |

       | |


       |Object A |


       | ... | 


  • New objects are allocated in free space. Allocation always happens at top, just as a stack.


       |free |


       |Object C |


       |Object B |

       | |


       |Object A |


       | ... | 

  • When free space is used up, a GC happens. During GC, reachable objects are marked. 


       |Object C | (marked)


       |Object B |

       | |


       |Object A | (marked)


       | ... | 

  • After GC, heap is compacted, live (reachable) objects are relocated, dead (unreachable) objects are swept out. 


       |free |


       |Object C |


       |Object A |


       | ... |


Free space in GC heap

In above model, you can see that GC actually does a good job to defragment the heap. Free space is always at top of the heap and available for new allocation. But in real production, free space could reside among allocated objects. That is because:

  1. Sometimes GC could choose not to compact part of the heap when it's not necessary. Since relocating all objects could be expensive, GC might avoid doing so under some conditions. In that case, GC will keep a list of free space in heap for future compaction. This won't cause heap fragmentation because GC has full control over the free space. GC could fill up those blocks anytime later when necessary.
  2. Pinned objects are not movable. So if a pinned object survives a GC, it could create a block of free space, like this:


       before GC: after GC:


       |---------| |---------|

       |Object C | (pinned, reachable) |Object C | (pinned)

       |_________| |_________|

       |Object B | (unreachable) | free |

       | | | |

       |_________| |_________|

       |Object A | (reachable) |Object A |

       |_________| |_________|

       | ... | | ... |



How pinning could fragment GC heap

if an application keeps pinning objects in this pattern: pin a new object, do some allocation, pin another object, do some allocation ... and all pinned objects remain pinned for long time, a lot of free space will be created, showed below: 

  • A new object is pinned


       |free |


       |Pinned 1 |


       |Object A |


       | ... | 

  • After some allocation, another object is pinned


       |free |


       |Pinned 2 |


       | ... |


       |Pinned 1 |


       |Object A |


       | ... | 

  • More objects are pinned, with unpinned objects in between 


       |Pinned n |


       | ... |


       |Pinned 2 |


       | ... |


       |Pinned 1 |


       |Object A |


       | ... | 

  • A GC happens, because pinned objects can't be relocated, free space remains in the heap 


       |Pinned n |


       | free |


       |Pinned 2 |


       | free |


       |Pinned 1 |


       | free |


       | ... |


Such a process could create a GC heap with a lot of free slots. Those free slots are being partially reused for allocation but when they are too small or when their remainder is too small, GC can’t use them as long as the objects are pinned. This would prevent GC from using the heap efficiently and might cause OOM eventually.


One thing makes the situation worse is that although a developer may not use pinned objects directly, some .Net libraries use them under the hood, like asynchronized IO. For example, in V1.0 and V1.1 the buffer passed to Socket.BeginReceive is pinned by the library so that unmanaged code could access the buffer. Consider a socket server application which handles thousands of socket requests per second and each request could take several minutes because of slow connection, GC heap could be fragmented a lot because of large amount of pinned objects and long lifetime some objects are pinned; then OOM could happen.


How to diagnose the problem

To determine if GC heap is fragmented, SOS is the best tool. Sos.dll is a debugger extension shipped with .NET framework which could check some underlying data structure in CLR. For example, “DumpHeap” could traverse GC heap and dump every object in the heap like this:




     Address MT Size

     00a71000 0015cde8 12 Free

     00a7100c 0015cde8 12 Free

     00a71018 0015cde8 12 Free

     00a71024 5ba58328 68

     00a71068 5ba58380 68

     00a710ac 5ba58430 68

     00a710f0 5ba5dba4 68


     00a91000 5ba88bd8 2064

     00a91810 0019fe48 2032 Free

     00a92000 5ba88bd8 4096

     00a93000 0019fe48 8192 Free

     00a95000 5ba88bd8 4096


     total 1892 objects



           MT Count TotalSize Class Name

     5ba7607c 1 12 System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource

     5ba75d54 1 12 System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag

     5ba61f18 1 12 System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer


     0015cde8 6 10260 Free

     5ba57bf8 318 18136 System.String



In this example, “DumpHeap” shows that there are 3 small free slots (They appear as special “Free” objects) at the beginning of the heap, followed by some objects with size 68 bytes. More interestingly, the statistics shows that there are 10,260 bytes Free objects (free space among live objects), and 18,136 bytes of string totally in the heap. If you find the Free objects take a very big percentage of the heap, the heap is fragmented (in whidbey, "DumpHeap" would do more analysis about heap fragmentation). In this case, you want to check the objects nearby the free space to see what they are and who holds their roots, you could do it using “DumpObj” and “GCRoot”:


     0:000>!dumpobj 00a92000


     Name: System.Byte[]

     MethodTable 0x00992c3c

     EEClass 0x00992bc4

     Size 4096(0x1000) bytes

     Array: Rank 1, Type System.Byte

     Element Type: System.Byte



     0:000>!gcroot 00a92000


     Scan Thread 0 (728)

     Scan Thread 1 (730)

     ESP:88cf548:Root:05066b48(System.IO.MemoryStream)->00a92000 (System.Byte[])

     ESP:88cf568:Root:05066b48(System.IO.MemoryStream)->00a92000 (System.Byte[])


     Scan HandleTable 9b130

     Scan HandleTable 9ff18

     HANDLE(Pinned):d41250:Root: 00a92000 (System.Byte[])


This shows that the object at address 00a92000 is a byte array, it's rooted by local variables in thread 1(to be precise, !GCRoot's output of roots in stack can't be trusted) and a pinned handle.


And the command "ObjSize" list all handles including pinned ones:





     HANDLE(Pinned):d41250: sizeof(00a92000) = 4096 ( 0x1000) bytes (System.Byte[])

     HANDLE(Pinned):d41254: sizeof(00a95000) = 4096 ( 0x1000) bytes (System.Byte[])

     HANDLE(Pinned):d41258: sizeof(00ac8b5b0) = 16 ( 0x10) bytes (System.Byte[])



Using those Sos commands, you could get a clear picture if the heap is fragmented and how. I believe Michael will have more blogs about details of Sos.



In Everett a lot of work is done in GC to recognize fragmentation caused by pinning and alleviate the situation, more work is already done in Whidbey. So hopefully, the problem won't show up in Whidbey. But besides change in the platform, user code could do something to avoid the issue too. From above analysis, we could tell:

  1. If the pinned objects are allocated around same time, the free slots between each two objects would be smaller, and the situation is better.
  2. If pinning happens on older objects, it could cause fewer problems. Because older objects live at bottom of heap but most of free space is generated on top of heap.
  3. The shorter the objects are pinned, the easier GC could compact the heap


So if pinning becomes an issue which causes OOM for a .NET application, instead of creating new object to pin every time, developers could consider preallocating the to-be-pinned objects and reusing them. That way those objects would live close to each other in older part of GC heap and the heap won’t be fragmented that much. For example, if an application keeps pinning 1K buffers (consider the socket server case), we could use such a buffer pool to get the buffers: 


public class BufferPool


    private const int INITIAL_POOL_SIZE = 512; // initial size of the pool

    private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; // size of the buffers


    // pool of buffers

    private Queue m_FreeBuffers;


    // singleton instance

    private static BufferPool m_Instance = new BufferPool ();


    // Singleton attribute

    public static BufferPool Instance


        get {

            return m_Instance;




    protected BufferPool()


        m_FreeBuffers = new Queue (INITIAL_POOL_SIZE);

        for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_POOL_SIZE; i++)


            m_FreeBuffers.Enqueue (new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]);




    // check out a buffer

    public byte[] Checkout (uint size)


        if (m_FreeBuffers.Count > 0)


            lock (m_FreeBuffers)


                if (m_FreeBuffers.Count > 0)

                    return (byte[])m_FreeBuffers.Dequeue ();



        // instead of creating new buffer,

        // blocking waiting or refusing request may be better

        return new byte [BUFFER_SIZE];



    // check in a buffer

    public void Checkin (byte[] buffer)


        lock (m_FreeBuffers)


            m_FreeBuffers.Enqueue (buffer);






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  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2004
    Something to note about OutOfMemoryException when doing painting is that GDI+ tend to use the outofmemory return code as the "default" error when you cause an internal error in GDI+. This happens for example when you try to load certain kind of 24 bpp icons with GDI+, or even on certain acces violation on shared files. Sadly, not everything is always what it seems :(

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2004
    Thanks for the excellent information! Can you tell us anything about the work that is done in Everett and Whidbey to alleviate the problem? If free-space before pinned objects is never used for new allocations, how can you do anything to prevent serious fragmentation in the case of applications like the socket server you mentioned (repeatedly allocating pinned buufers)?

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2004
    Unfortunately most of the works you asked about are really confidential and I'm not supposed to talk about them.
    But the basic idea is when GC detects such fragmentation caused by pinning, it tries to control it by more frequent GCs. So we detect as soon as possible when a pin would be freed and the gap between two pinned objects would be smaller (because more objects are moved before a new pinned object is created). At the same time, we have various refinements to avoid falling into a pattern where we GC all the time but the pins don’t get freed so we waste GC cycles. Eventully it is a tradeoff between space and CPU.

  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2007
    The comment has been removed

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    November 25, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2008
    There are only a few things that can make a .NET process crash.&#160; The most common one is an Unhandled

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    June 15, 2009
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