Free online Training from HP
Hewlett Packard is providing a free online training for Expression Web 1 (not version 2 of Expression Web) by Virginia O'Connor. Even though the course is for version 1 of Expression Web, I didn't see anything in the content that can't be applied to version 2.
The training consists of four lessons from May 8 - June 13th, 2008 and their website indicates the training materials will be taken down when the course ends so be sure to sign uo and get the content before June 13th, 2008.
Here's the course description from the HP website:
Building websites with Expression Web
This class covers the basics for creating a website with Microsoft's Expression® Web with features such as toolbars, formatting, page layouts and link creation. With this easy website creation software, you'll apply cascading style sheets, then learn how to create complex queries, how to configure the software for different browsers and how to create interactive web pages with ASP.NET 2.0 capabilities.
May 02, 2008
Gratuito, en la versión 1 para ser específico, cortesía de Hewlett Packard... MásAnonymous
May 11, 2008
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