Azure Update - May 2017
May 31
Azure BizTalk Services: Simplifying our Azure offerings
May 31
Azure DevTest Labs: Changes in exporting custom image VHD files
May 29
Azure DevTest Labs: Use Azure CLI to claim VMs in a lab
May 24
Azure Batch updates for May 2017
May 24
New Azure Data Catalog capabilities
May 24
Azure DevTest Labs: Streamlined nested support for Resource Manager template deployment
May 22
DocumentDB customers, welcome to Azure Cosmos DB
May 18
Critical update (Update 0.5) for StorSimple Virtual Array
May 16
General availability: Windows Server Container orchestration with Azure Service Fabric
May 16
Release of Service Fabric SDK 2.6.204 and runtime 5.6.204 for Windows
May 10
Introducing the Azure app (preview)
May 10
Azure Enterprise Agreement Support Plan Upgrade Offer extended until June 30, 2018
May 9
Storage accounts available only in the Azure portal from May 15
May 8
Azure Backup available in Microsoft Azure Germany
May 8
Site Recovery available in Microsoft Azure Germany
May 5
May 4
General availability: Azure Network Watcher in all public regions
May 3
General availability: On-premises data gateway for Logic Apps
May 2
Newly created Azure SQL databases will be encrypted at rest by default