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Get Ready for the WinHEC 2006 Guest Blogger Series

Starting Monday April 17th the WinHEC 2006 Guest Blogger Series begins right here on the WNDP blog The series is comprised of technical content from speakers and developers whose feature areas Microsoft will be highlighting during this year’s conference. WinHEC 2006 runs May 23rd - 25th at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center here in Seattle, WA.


This year Bill Gates, Will Poole and Bob Muglia will keynote the conference. For those that may not be familiar with WinHEC here is a quote from BillG about the conference:


"WinHEC is a key annual milestone for Microsoft. This is where we sit down with our many partners who build innovative hardware and talk about the directions we're taking. Talk about what we're looking at in software, hear from them about what they are doing in hardware, and make sure those two come together."

Bill Gates

Chairman and Chief Software Architect

Microsoft Corporation


The guest blogger series is also a great opportunity for those people not attending the conference who are interested in learning about the technologies that we will be presenting. So, whether you are attending the conference or not, this series will be rich with information.


We want to hear your thoughts about the content of the series, so, please be sure to leave feedback in the comments section. We will be adding new series content to the blog throughout the week. Stay tuned…



-Billy Anders