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My last Rangers post on this blog and then a switch back to personal reflections …

Git for the TFVC User – Workflow Investigations Part 4: Converting a TFVC repository was the last Visual Studio ALM Rangers team post on this blog. This blog will be reverting back to personal reflections, thoughts and experiences, diverting all Rangers team chatter to the Visual Studio ALM Rangers team blog.

why the visual studio alm rangers blog?

In future we will always have a “where does this content go” checkpoint when publishing documentation and guidance. If it aligns with the product documentation, we will opt to publish through the feature team publication channel, such as MSDN, MSDN magazine, MS Press and the Visual Studio ALM Team Blog, as shown by the Yes-3 branch below. It will improve discoverability of our content, reduce duplication and potential conflict of messaging.

If not, we end up on the No-2 branch as above, and will publish through the Visual Studio ALM Rangers team blog, or in exceptional cases through other channels such as CodePlex. It allows us to share from-the-field learning's, early thoughts and research findings, and candid discussions.

why not just rename this one?

Although Chuck had a valid suggestion of just renaming this blog and handing over to the Ranger team, there are simply too many personal posts, memories and gems on this blog. The information contained within will not vanish (intentionally) and I hope that you will continue to bookmark my post Smile

what’s the theme on this blog one in future?

I expect the cadence to drop to 1-2 posts / month, focused on Willy’s thoughts and experiences. You will probably see lots of pictures of beautiful British Columbia …

… and …

… while I spend my spare time observing our boys chasing a soccer ball around the fields Open-mouthed smile