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Friday International Update - News from DotNet Abruzzo Italian Community

Welcome everybody to a new episode of our Friday International Update, in which we usually see what the various woldwide communities are currently cooking!
It's my usual habit, when writing about Italian community, to sum up our current progresses, with a brief report of who-done-what. Today i wish to tell you about something different, and i'll do that with the help of Alessio Iafrate, a fellow MVP, author, and founder of DotNet Abruzzo Community.

Alessio has told me some recent activities with his community, which shows a very lively group, attentive to new technologies and willing to share the knowledge, in a pure TechNet attitude. That's an important part of what's happening into Italian communities, so i thought it could be good to talk about it, as it can be inspiring for other groups around the world too. But enough talking, and leave room for Alessio's words!

I'm Alessio Iafrate, freelance developer and Microsoft MVP in Windows Development, as well as working as a .NET developer in virtually all domains (from the web to desktop, to mobile with Xamarin) In my spare time I write articles on my blog, for the Italian magazine "Io Programmo", and trying to help users on forums. In addition to this, after the last event organized about two years ago by DomusDotNet in Rome (in which I took part), I was overwhelmed by the unhealthy idea of trying to set up a community in my region also, Abruzzo, which unfortunately was one of the regions with the lesser presence of communities.

I was joined almost immediately by Angelo Gino Varrati (Microsoft MSP), who met at one of the first events I organized, and who was immediately available to help me. In more recent times, Pierstefano Tucci has shown himself as a very active MSP in the territory.

In this last year as a community we have organized many things, I like to remember the stage at TecHeroes loves Gamedev Tour from last November in L'Aquila, which was organized together with the UNIVAQ University, and which has been successful from the viewpoint of partecipants and feedback, bringing us to strive for an extra couple of hours compared to expected length, and deserving a post on the MSDN blog

After a few months, we also made a stage in Molise where - hosted by young teachers - we have been able to tell the latest developments in the .NET field

Thanks to my friend Marco Dal Pino (MVP from DotNetToscana and Intel Innovator) we had the pleasure of hosting a stage of IotDay, organized by Intel and Hackster Italia, where a very young and curious audience was able to see and touch on what is possible to do with the latest technologies available in IOT

An unexpected and very nice event was EduDay 2017, organized by Microsoft right in L'Aquila, where we contributed to manage the hackthon. It was a very interesting day, with the partecipation of primary students, teachers and professors, who had fun starting to see what awaits them in the new school that is currently outlining

The last event recently held was in University of Teramo, where Professor Salvatori has hosted us during some of his lessons, to let his students know what awaits them in working fields, rejuvenating a little his normal lessons program

All this series of events and meetings has made me increasingly appreciate the beauty of community, where everybody - even without a well-defined task - does what he can, and always tries to help and provide opportunities.

As you can see from the above list, the good thing is that the events are born very spontaneously, some directly from Microsoft contacting us as communities (as in the case of EduDay), or from ideas provided by other groups/communities, or by our own ideas or knowledge
The wonderful thing is that we usually receive congratulations for our events, and the ones wich make use happier are questions about when we'll organize something new. But the best are people comments about how it can be seen we love what we do, and appreciating our dedication about spreading the knowledge

Now, with the summer break, our activities are slowed down, but thanks to Pierstefano's resourcefullness, we will start by the end of June a series of meetings in Fara S. Martino, that we named " //Build Industry 4.0 in the pasta kingdom", a series of open meetings on new technologies, all organized by Pastifiers present in the area.
An advice i feel to share to anyone really interested in something, being a technology or something else, is to find out if there is a community that deals with the subject in which to confront, learn and - why not - help too, this is the best way to always have motivation and grow more and more in what we like

And that's what Alessio told us today about DotNet Abruzzo recent activities.
Please give him a big «thank you» for letting us know, and best wishes for future events! Keep going!

More on Italian Communities stories to come, stay with us.
Thank you for reading, and have a great Friday!

Italian Wiki Ninja Emiliano
MSDN profile | MVP Profile | Twitter | LinkedIn


  • Anonymous
    June 23, 2017
    Great post (y) it is very good idea to combine forces with other friends from the community.I love the first image - A full classroom :-)
  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2017
    Great post Emiliano :) it's nice to learn what other community is doing and Thank You Alessio for sharing with us your community work.
  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2017
    Great post
  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2018
    Having problems with windows program Microsoft lumia 640 -10 all programs are highlight in grey have no color can't have a lock screen picture in color ,what can I do,please help