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Favorite Posts of Week 34

My collection of favorite blog posts from last week in no particular order.

Intel backs Microsoft’s concurrent-computing play on Mary-Jo Foley's blog I found the first reference (I'm always a bit late) to Intel's plans on integrating plenty of their parallel computing tools into Visual Studio. And there's a beta program, too.

  1. Screencasts are an important arrow in our evangelism quiver. Smashing Magazine tells us "How To Start, Tools and Guidelines" on Windows and on the Mac.
  2. "For the Overweight, a New Definition of Health" has been posted on NYTimes' Well blog. "Obesity is widely viewed as the nation’s biggest health problem. But research last week showing that one-third of obese people are “metabolically” healthy suggests that health can’t be judged by fat alone." Hmm, is this good or bad? See for yourself.
  3. Again, Mary-Jo Foley, This time on "Microsoft rolls out a new high-end, proactive support plan". Check out her opinion and read about it on the Premier Services homepage.

Initially I had quite a few more favorites but while writing this post, I had second thoughts. So, that's it for last week. Off to a new week of favorite posts.