What do you like and dislike with the latest Version Control guidance?
We are investigating the next phase of the Version Control (ex Branching and Merging) Guidance, potential integration with MSDN, using other delivery channels and accepting contributions from the ALM community.
current portfolio
- v3.2 - Version Control Guidance
- Research & Feedback posts
- Git for the TFVC User – Workflow Investigations Part 1: Making Changes
- Git for the TFVC User – Workflow Investigations Part 2: Reviewing Changes (No Conflicts)
- Git for the TFVC User – Workflow Investigations Part 3: Reviewing Changes (With Conflicts)
- Git for the TFVC User – Workflow Investigations Part 4: Converting a TFVC repository
- MSDN Magazine Articles
We would appreciate if you could review the latest guidance and give us candid feedback on content and delivery format.
If you could pin three (3) features on our backlog, what would they be?
please share candid feedback
We can’t wait to hear from you. Here are some ways to connect with us:
- Add a comment below.
- Contact us on our blog.
May 04, 2015
Would you, for example, prefer the guidance to move to a crisper markdown style, as in the case of github.com/.../Extracting-effective-permissions-from-TFS, allowing you to submit content changes?Anonymous
May 05, 2015
Could you please guidance on how to contain the growth of "Tbl_Content". This table grows to hundreds of GBs for source code under which is under 1 GB? It's growth doesn't seem legit.Anonymous
May 05, 2015
Dealing with large code base having 10000+ files in workspace. Source control explorer and solution explorer lock on local workspace (TF400030). This renders visual studio unworkable. More than guidance product fix is required.Anonymous
May 13, 2015
@Om, what type of data are you storing in source control? Tbl_content growth could be legit even for a small repo, especially if there binary or other content that does not deltify well, and if there are a lot of versions.Anonymous
May 13, 2015
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