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Folder Management Extension v1.1.4 published, by Wouter de Kort

We published v1.1.4 for the Folder Management extension, resolving bug #11624, “create a folder in Git repo not working in some accounts”.

Special thank you to Wouter de Kort, who investigated and resolved this priority 1 bug in record time!

Get the bits

image24    image21  image23

What was the issue?


  • When adding a folder, a new commit is created. This commit needs to have a parent. To do this, the top 1 commits for the Team Project were loaded, as shown on the left.
  • Working on one branch or having a branch where the latest commit was on that branch didn’t cause problems.
  • As soon as users switched between branches and tried to add a folder to a branch that didn’t have the latest commit, the wrong parent commit was set resulting in a conflict error.
  • To fix this, the call to the Git REST API for Commits was replaced by call to Refs filtered for branch, as shown on the right. This gives back the last commit ID for the specific branch.
  • Using this ID as the parent solved the bug.

Learning: You should get the latest commit for that branch, not for the whole repository.

We need your feedback!

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