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Extensions for TFS and Team Services on the marketplace

Our list of DevLabs extensions has grown from four, back in November 2015, to eleven on the Marketplace .

Microsoft DevLabs is an outlet for experiments from Microsoft, experiments that represent some of the latest ideas around developer tools. Solutions in this category are designed for broad usage, and you are encouraged to use and provide feedback on them; however, these extensions are not supported nor are any commitments made as to their longevity.

Here’s a little bit about them:

image Available for TFS on-prem   image Available for Team Services   image Deprecated, no updates planned   image Sample code shared on GitHub


Branch VisualizationVisualize your Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) branches for your current project.Team: Mikael Krief and Michel Perfetti



Build UsageShow how many build minutes are being used within an account. Make them visible for your team by adding Build Usage tiles to your dashboard!Team: André Dias



Countdown WidgetEvery team has important dates to remember. Make them visible for your team on your dashboard!Team: Wouter de Kort and Mathias Olausson

TFS Cloud Sampleclip_image001[1]


File OwnerAllows users to quickly and easily determine ownership of a file. Team: Abel Wang, Wouter de Kort, and Steve St Jean

TFS Cloud Sample


Folder ManagementQuickly create a folder right from the web. Team: Abel Wang and Wouter de Kort

TFS Cloud Sampleclip_image001[1]


Print CardsPrint cards from your Kanban board for planning exercises with your team, or on a physical scrum board. Team: Gordon Beeming and Robert MacLean

TFS Cloud Sample Deprecatedclip_image002[1]


Roll-up BoardDisplays an aggregated view of your backlog boards on your dashboards.Team: Mikael Krief

TFS Cloud Sample


Sample DataLets you create and remove sample data in your project.Team: Mattias Sköld, Niel Zeeman, Hassan Fadili, and Igor Shcheglovitov

 Cloud Sample clip_image001[1]


Show Area Path DependenciesProvides a lightweight way to manage dependencies on other teams.Team: Niel Zeeman



Test Case ExplorerHelps you manage your test cases better.Team: Mattias Sköld and Mathias Olausson



Work Item VisualizationVisualize these work items from within the work item form. Team: Taavi Koosaar and Mattias Sköld


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