HOWTO: Delete a Outlook Search Folder programatically
Search folders are very useful but there is no way available using Outlook Object Model to delete them, you need CDO to delete them.
Below code can help you remove the SearchFolders from Outlook
Function RemoveSearchFolder(ByVal strProfile, ByVal strFolderName As String) As Boolean
Const CdoPR_FINDER_ENTRYID = &H35E70102
Dim objSession As MAPI.Session
Dim objInfostore As MAPI.InfoStore
Dim objFinderFolder As MAPI.Folder
Dim objFolder As MAPI.Folder
Dim strFinderEntryID As String
Set objSession = New MAPI.Session
objSession.Logon ProfileName:=strProfile, ShowDialog:=False
Set objInfostore = objSession.GetInfoStore(objSession.Inbox.StoreID)
strFinderEntryID = objInfostore.Fields.Item(CdoPR_FINDER_ENTRYID).Value
Set objFinderFolder = objSession.GetFolder(strFinderEntryID, objInfostore.ID)
For Each objFolder In objFinderFolder.Folders
If LCase(strFolderName) = LCase(objFolder.Name) Then
RemoveSearchFolder = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
- Anonymous
June 10, 2009
Vikas: This code only changes the target search folder in the search folders folder in Outlook to italics, but does not appear actually to delete the folder; i.e., one cannot create a new search folder with the same name after this routine has been run on the target search folder. Any thoughts on how really to delete the target search folder (in Outlook 2003)? Thanks, Nick De Lancie