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5 quick win negotiation techniques used by skilled negotiators (Guest Blog)

Skilled negotiators excel at winning business deals. They know exactly what to say and what to do to persuade opponents and convince them to abide by their terms. However, it’s not always about using the right tactics to win negotiations. Active listening, body language, poise and determination, are traits every business person should master. Every now and then, not even the best strategies work, and that’s usually because they’re not applied properly. The following 5 quick tips will help you adopt a whole new approach to winning business deals.

 1.       People are the most important

Whether you’re an investor, manager, entrepreneur or CEO, you should know by now that people matter the most in business. It’s ok to have a goal and do everything in your power to achieve it, but if you don’t talk AT the people in front of you, they will lose interest really quickly. A lot of negotiators make the mistake of focusing too much on the actual negotiation. They talk too much about the deal, and they forget to address their opponents. By not looking people straight in the eye, you make them believe that they don’t matter.  

Negotiating is a process, a strategic discussion that fixes an issue. The result of that issue is usually an agreement, a solution that is accepted by all the parties involved in the negotiation. Why is it so important to focus on people when you’re bargaining? Because you can only win if they pay attention; and they can only pay attention if they’re engaged.

 2.       The great important of body language

Experts argue that body language can be your greatest weapon when negotiating a deal. If you’re feeling nervous or anxious, your opponent will immediately assume that you have something to hide, or that you’ve entered the meeting unprepared. A professional attitude that exudes professionalism and gestures that look controlled is what you should be chasing after. This kind of attitude will change perceptions, not to mention that eye contact instills determination and decisiveness. Today’s modern companies want to bargain with people who know what they’re talking about. These people shouldn’t be afraid of asking what they want from partners they’re doing business with.

3.       Preparation

It’s obvious that preparation is the key to winning the best deals. In fact, lack of preparation leads to failures in 99% of cases. Each and every one of the parties involved in the negotiation must have clearly defined objectives and goals. Your next move is to try and anticipate your opponent’s goals, and this often requires research. As long as you’re prepared with solid information, there nothing a counterpart can say or do to intimidate you. Negotiation workshops can help you for the purpose. Skilled negotiators are unbreakable because their years of experience have taught them the great value of information.

4.       Everything’s negotiable

Contrary to popular belief, expert negotiators know that in business everything’s negotiable. Even the toughest, sturdiest decisions can be modified or altered in some way or another. Of course, not every negotiator has the skills and the experience to convince an opponent to compromise. Whatever you do, just make sure to engage in a conversation not in a conflicting situation. If you can’t bargain for better financial terms, ask for non-financial perks and discuss about building mutual ground and fostering future professional relations.

 5.       Showcase your value

People negotiate because they want something from their opponents. Whether you’re a salesman, an investor or a savvy entrepreneur, it’s important to showcase your company’s value in order to win. What do we mean by value? It’s simple; prove to your counterparts that closing a deal with you will greatly benefit their business too. Sell yourself and your brand, but keep a professional attitude while doing it, and always back your allegations with solid proof. Be ready to answer questions, keep it cool and you can land the sweetest deal.

Winning negotiations is not something impossible to achieve as long as you know that you want. Experts suggest novices to enter meetings prepared with solid information. They also stress out the great importance of body language, good posture and active listening. Be willing to compromise without giving up too much, and always keep in mind that you’re building a professional connection, but trying to win a war.