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Learn how to keep your public sector office compliant with the ODF mandate

Earlier this year, Cabinet Office mandated that all government documents be created in “open document format” file types, commonly known as ODF. Moving to comply with the ODF mandate is going be an issue that offices big and small have to face. But the good news is that you probably already have access to the software you need to conform to the new regulation. That’s right -- Microsoft Office has supported ODF since 2007. That means government offices can fully comply with the ODF mandate today using the office productivity software that staff are already familiar with. 

Still have questions about how to keep your office ODF compliant? Join experts from Microsoft to discuss best practices for complying with the ODF mandate in a free webinar. In just 45 minutes, you’ll learn all you need to know about the ODF mandate and how to implement ODF in your office. This free online event will cover the background and context of the mandate, as well as what it means for government organisations. You’ll get technical details for users of Microsoft Office and Office 365 on how they can take advantage of their existing investments to become compliant with the mandate. You’ll be able to ask questions and get advice from dedicated Microsoft experts with a deep understanding of public sector technology needs.

Join us on Thursday 25th September at 9:30 for this free, 45 minute event. Register now, as this event is sure to fill up quickly.