I need to support Rim’s COMO client in OCS 2007 R2
When we launched OCS 2007 Rim shipped a client for OCS 2007. This client requires that the customer have a BES Server and a CWA server and used UC AJAX. Since we launched OCS 2007 R2 RIM hasn’t released an update for the software yet. So how do I support Blackberry users in OCS R2?
This has been posted elsewhere but wanted to get info to our education customers.
The Unified Communications (UC) AJAX SDK that is avail for CWA R1 will not be re-released for CWA R2. Therefore customers with UC AJAX apps need to deploy a CWA R1 server.
Migrating from OCS 2007 to OCS 2007 R2:
Customers who have CWA 2007 successfully deployed against an OCS 2007 server and who want to upgrade to OCS 2007 R2 but want to keep the CWA 2007 server setup to use with their UC AJAX applications must install OCS 2007 R2 into the existing domain. For more information, refer to the OCS deployment guide. Make sure that you leave the existing CWA 2007 server in place. Users should automatically sign in through CWA 2007 to OCS 2007 R2 without any further configuration that is required.
New customers who is installing OCS 2007 R2 for the first time:
Customers who want to set up CWA 2007 against OCS 2007 R2 starting from a clean environment should follow these steps:
1. Before you install OCS 2007 R2, prepare Active Directory by using OCS 2007 Setup.
2. Install CWA 2007 into the domain.
3. Install OCS 2007 R2. Note For more information, refer to the OCS 2007 R2
Deployment guide. Users should automatically sign in through CWA 2007 to OCS 2007 R2 without any further configuration.
Already have OCS 2007 R2 installed but want to now install CWA 2007:
New customers (did not have OCS 2007 deployment prior) who have already installed OCS 2007 R2 but now want to deploy CWA 2007 within the environment must follow these steps:
1. You need to perform a Forest Prep and a Domain Prep with the 2007 (R1) RTM Setup, not the command line.
2. You just need to add the OCS 2007 CWA (R1) to an existing R2 pool. No need to create a 2007 (R1) pool.
Done! Hopefully we will see updated guidance on RIM’s site soon. In the meantime enjoy. :)
January 01, 2003
Paulo, Let me check on that scenario. I believe you should be able to continue to install R1 CWA servers since you already had R1 installed prior. The Prep scenario above is if you never had R1 installed.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
When we launched OCS 2007 Rim shipped a client for OCS 2007. This client requires that the customer haveAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Michael, I checked with our support folks and this is what they have performed with other customers to make it work:
- Installed OCS 2007 R2
- Installed CWA 2007 R2
- Ran ForestPrep from OCS 2007 (not R2) install bits
- Installed CWA 2007 R1 There is a KB article slated to talk about this scenario. I will post when it becomes available. You other option is to look at 3rd party add-ons for Blackberry to connect to OCS.
January 01, 2003
Eric, Your best bet would be to contact RIM directly for availability timeframes. From RIM's website it appears there is still only the OCS 2007 R1 client available for Storm and other devices: https://www.blackberry.com/Downloads/entry.do?code=24E01830D213D75DEB99C22B9CD91DDDAnonymous
June 04, 2009
do you have any ideas on when they will support it ? We are thinking about leaving out LCS 2005 enviroment up and leaving all blackberry users on that pool until they support it . All other users we will move to the new 2007 R2 poolAnonymous
July 03, 2009
Have a look at the following article from RIM. I've been advised that a new client is 12 months out.. http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=KB17757Anonymous
July 08, 2009
I wish someone could just build one for Blackberry since they can't keep things up to dateAnonymous
September 18, 2009
So we upgraded from OCS R1 to R2 (we had no CWA in R1). We just need to forestprep and domainprep our R2 environment with the R1 discs and then install a cwa R1 role to the existing R2 pool? Do we need to then forestprep and domainprep with the R2 afterwards? prep'ing with the R1 isn't going to affect R2 attributes in AD is it?Anonymous
September 18, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 15, 2010
We have OCS R2 installed and need to get BlackBerry support. This requires we use option 3 above. Can you expound some more on the steps needed to enable this functionality?Anonymous
January 20, 2010
And if I already have one CWA 2007 server, migrate my solution to OCSR2 and leave as you say, the old CWA 2007 for the BB clients, will I be able to install an additional CWA2007 to provide fault tolerance, without having to perform the forest Prep and domain prep with the OCS 2007 (R1) setup? ThanksAnonymous
February 19, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 19, 2010
Hi M. Khan, Yes, you can coexist with R1. See process in comments above.Anonymous
February 19, 2010
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