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Thom Robbins .NET Weblog

A blog of the technical and only sometimes uneventful side of programming in .NET and life within Microsoft

Developing Mobile Applications with the Compact Framework 2.0

v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w:*...

Author: trobbins Date: 07/17/2007

Mobile Web Development with ASP.NET 2.0

v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w:*...

Author: trobbins Date: 07/13/2007

ADO.NET Entity Framework June 2007 CTP

This CTP contains updates to the ADO.NET Entity Framework since the Visual Studio Codename "Orcas"...

Author: trobbins Date: 07/09/2007

No BizTalk Experience Required

Via Paul This is for .NET developers who are trying out Windows Workflow Foundation and want a...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/28/2007

Michele’s CardSpace Samples

Check out Michele’s CardSpace samples from TechEd available here

Author: trobbins Date: 06/27/2007

A simple example of using the System.IO.DirectoryInfo Class

The System.IO.DirectoryInfo class exposes methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/27/2007

Multi Targeting with Visual Studio 2008 (Beta)

I have been working with the VS 2008 Beta and a really cool feature is the ability to target your...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/27/2007

CardSpace Control for ASP.NET

Dominick Baier at LeastPrivilege has made some fantastic progress in his CardSpace control for...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/26/2007

Windows Vista – six month security checkup

A really interesting read - Via Peter Jeff Jones from the Microsoft Security team just released a...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/24/2007

So you want to know what CardSpace is?

A quick overview of CardSpace for Architects and Developers Infrastructure Operators

Author: trobbins Date: 06/23/2007

John Shewchuk and Dennis Pilarinos: BizTalk Services Explained

Check out the cool BizTalk Services video from Channel 9: In this video, James Conard talks with...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/20/2007

Download: Patterns for Supporting Information Cards at Web Sites

This document provides step-by-step guidance to Web developers on best practices for supporting...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/19/2007

Microsoft eScrum Version 1.0

eScrum is a Web-based, end-to-end project management tool for Scrum built on the Microsoft Visual...

Author: trobbins Date: 06/13/2007

Health Life Sciences Keynote

Thanks to everyone that attended last week’s Health Life Sciences Developer Conference. For those...

Author: trobbins Date: 05/27/2007

Are you Identity Aware?

Via Richard Want a cool trip to Redmond or earn some great prizes for using CardSpace? Then check it...

Author: trobbins Date: 05/08/2007

Hands-on Labs for Windows® Workflow Foundation in C# and VB.NET

Windows Workflow Foundation is the programming model, engine and tools for quickly building workflow...

Author: trobbins Date: 05/08/2007

Don Schmidt joins the blogosphere

Via Richard Don "Des" Schmidt, one of the guys who has been leading Microsoft's participation in the...

Author: trobbins Date: 05/05/2007

Patterns for Supporting Information Cards at Web Sites

Looking for CardSpace documents then check this one out - This document provides step-by-step...

Author: trobbins Date: 05/05/2007

WCF Virtual Lab

A Server Scenario Lab with Windows Communication Foundation Virtual Lab This MSDN Virtual Lab is...

Author: trobbins Date: 04/21/2007

CardSpace Demo Video

Christian has a great new demo video using Windows CardSpace to provide a secure way to authenticate...

Author: trobbins Date: 04/14/2007

Windows Workflow Foundation Web Workflow Approvals Starter Kit

This starter kit is a Visual Studio 2005 project that demonstrates using Windows Workflow Foundation...

Author: trobbins Date: 04/08/2007

BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Beta 2

Today marks an important milestone for BizTalk Server customers and the BizTalk team – the release...

Author: trobbins Date: 04/04/2007

Be careful what you say

Thanks to Eileen I am happy to announce that some of the outtakes that were shot with the Proop Dog...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/30/2007

Configuring IIS7 to support Windows CardSpace sites

Check out the new screencast that Richard just posted on "Windows CardSpace Simple Demo...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/30/2007

Introduction to Windows Communication Foundation for the .NET Compact Framework Messaging Stack

Mark has a great post on the basics of WCF for the Compact Framework. Well worth the read!...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/27/2007

Visual Studio 2005 ToolBox for Windows CardSpace

Very cool new toolbox sample by Christian Arnold The Visual Studio 2005 ToolBox for Windows...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/19/2007

Check out the Web Developer Learning Series

Choose from more than 60 learning modules—organized by track—including Virtual Labs and both live...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/19/2007

Check out the Windows CardSpace Simple Demo Walkthrough

Windows CardSpace is a new feature of Microsoft Windows that helps you better manage and control...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/18/2007

BPEL for Windows Workflow Foundation March Community Technology Preview is released

Paul talks about the March 2007 CTP for our BPEL activities for Windows Workflow Foundation was...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/18/2007

BizTalk .NET User Group

This month’s BizTalk User Group will take place on Wednesday, March 28th at 5:00 PM. Meeting Agenda:...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/14/2007

InfoPath 2007 Sample: Training Labs

Trying to learn more about InfoPath 2007? Check out this download contains for the supporting files...

Author: trobbins Date: 03/02/2007

Microsoft Pre-release Software Visual Studio Code Name "Orcas" - March 2007 Community Technology Preview (CTP)

In case you hadn’t heard. We have just released the March CTP for “Orcas” and the .NET Framework...

Author: trobbins Date: 02/28/2007

Introduction to Building Mobile Business Objects

Download Samples Download PDF Overview The drive to connect people, process and devices is a never...

Author: trobbins Date: 02/18/2007

Building Mobile Business Objects

Building Mobile Business Objects Download Samples Download PDF Overview The drive to connect people,...

Author: trobbins Date: 02/17/2007

Introduction to Building XML Web Services with ASMX

Download PDF Version Download Samples The Web Service standards define how to build application...

Author: trobbins Date: 02/11/2007

An Introduction to Building XML Web Services with ASMX

An Introduction to Building XML Web Services with ASMX By Thom Robbins (

Author: trobbins Date: 02/11/2007


By definition the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is the XML based document that describes a...

Author: trobbins Date: 02/04/2007

Integrating Windows Workflow Foundation and Windows Communication Foundation

A great article! One of the biggest requests that we here is the integration of these two...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/28/2007

Research help Needed

Microsoft is conducting a global research piece to help get a better understanding of:  How .NET is...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/21/2007

Introducing the Windows SideShow .NET Framework Components Beta...

Via the Windows Sideshow Team Blog Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, and SideShow fans from...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/21/2007

Announcing Code Camp 7

Excellent name! Via Chris New England's Code Camp 7 - "Deer In Headlights" will be held the weekend...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/18/2007

.NET Framework 3 Resource DVD

Looking for some great content on the Framework 3.0? Check out the CD that we have just made...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/14/2007

Windows Workflow Foundation Sample Integrating WF and WCF

One of the things that I often get asked about is the integration of WCF and WF. In case you aren’t...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/14/2007

Web Service Software Factory

The Web Service Software Factory (also known as the Service Factory) is an integrated collection of...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/10/2007


So I’ve been tagged twice… I blame both Don Sorcinelli and Andy Beaulieu for tagging me and making...

Author: trobbins Date: 01/07/2007

Introducing the

As we have seen in previous articles. Creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service...

Author: trobbins Date: 12/29/2006

Playing with namespaces

The Root Namespace property sets the base namespace for all files in the project. If you want to set...

Author: trobbins Date: 12/28/2006

Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in (MOSA)

Very cool looking little tool that I am downloading now to check out. This download will enable you...

Author: trobbins Date: 12/27/2006

Making an Office Warmer

Since my move out here things have been a bit hectic. Between the move here, the great Washington’s...

Author: trobbins Date: 12/27/2006

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