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CNY .NET Developer Group

Just a reminder that the next CNY .NET Developer Group meeting is Wednesday, January 11th at 6:00pm at New Horizons in East Syracuse (6711 Towpath Road). You don't want to miss Kate Gregory, a world-renowned .NET speaker!

So we can get an estimate of how many attendees, please RSVP by logging into and answering the meeting survey (or reply to this email).

Here is why you don't want to miss it!

  • Kate Gregory will present "Windows Forms: Deploying Applications with ClickOnce: Advanced Topics" .
  • This is our first INETA sponsored meeting! They are providing us with a world-renowned speaker, and pizza and soda!!! 
  • We also have several books to give away from Addison-Wesley.
  • Meet other .NET Developers and talk shop!

Here is a schedule for this meeting:

  • 6:00 - 6:20 Mixer
    • Mingle with other members and talk shop
  • 6:20 - 6:30 Housekeeping/Announcements
  • 6:30 - 8:00 Presentation
    • Kate Gregory, "Windows Forms: Deploying Applications with ClickOnce: Advanced Topics"