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Beantown.Net User Group Meeting

Phil Denoncourt: XML Serialization

When: Thursday March 2, 2006, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Where: Adesso Systems,

One Liberty Square

, 7th Floor, Boston, MA (directions)

All are welcome, but please (RSVP) if you want free pizza!

Talk SummaryXML Serialization is the process of transforming a complex object to and from XML. This is made straightforward with the .NET framework. We'll take a look out how to serialize a simple object and some of the attributes used to control the output. Then we'll take a look at some of the more advanced features like capturing processing errors, overrides and unknown elements. Finally we'll take complete control of the serialization process using the new features of the 2.0 Framework. Be the envy of all your coworkers by mastering XML serialization