Announcing The Windows Mobile Virtual User Group
Can’t make a user group in person? Not even in the New England area?
Join the Virtual User Group. Don has a great idea here!
I’ll be there will you?
Via Don and Boston Pocket PC
The Windows Mobile Developer Virtual User Group ("WMDVUG") is intended for individuals focusing on developing software for Windows Mobile devices. This includes connected applications using ASP.NET and rich client applications using the .NET Compact Framework and/or eMbedded Visual C++. Our meetings will be held live via Microsoft Live Meeting every other 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12 Noon - 2 PM EDT/EST.
Our first meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 19th from 12 - 2 PM EDT. once information on registering for the meeting becomes available, I will pass it along. In addition, we are in the process of putting together the first agenda. once again, I will pass along updates.
I am extremely excited about the potential for this medium to reach a large audience beyond the geographic confines of the Boston/New England region. I look forward to seeing you online soon!