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Dev Div Halo Tournament Champions


We won! It was a Swiss-style championship, 12 teams facing off with another team with a similar record for seven rounds. We started out with five wins in a row... the last two got tough. The sixth game was a tie with a very good team (neutral bomb assault on Sanctuary). With a tie there, we had to win the last match or would face a tie breaker. We started out Slayer Pro on Burial Mounds, and our team kind of fell apart. At around 21-30 we started to turn it around and coordinate better. We won 50-39.



The fastest match was the 5th round (3-flags to win CTF Classic on Elongation). It took us three minutes to cap all three flags against a team with only one loss.

Loot for winning: Kameo Pen, Lanyard, XBox 360 button, a gift certificate... and a 360 faceplate signed by J. Allard. Not to mention bragging rights having taken on all the Developer Division's finest. And we keep the trophy for 6 months. :)

Stair Climb Challenge
Less interesting to most, but I did win the challenge. I climbed the equivalent of 2+ Sears Towers in the last week, 130 flights Friday night alone. I was extremely sore, but ended up winning by 25 flights. Loot for winning: A cheap exercise radio. Could have used that a week earlier. :)

and.... Work
Much more work than play these last few weeks. We shipped the first version of the Content Management System on Monday. It's been a long four months, but contributors are finally using it. There's been a lot of feedback, and some of the pain points I expected to have time to address this week are already cropping up. But once the early-adopter kinks get worked out, it should really improve the process.
