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Intro to Git and GitHub

This tutorial will teach you the basics of Git, using GitHub and the GitHub client.

Experience required: None.

This is written for people who have never used any kind of version control system before.

What will you learn:

Part 0: Introduction/Setup

What is Git

Why use version control?

What is GitHub?

Setting up the GitHub client

Part 1: Your first repository

Creating a new local repository

Committing changes

Discarding changes

Renaming an deleting files

Reverting changes

Ignoring files

Part 2: Publishing, cloning, and forking using the GitHub client.

Publish a new repository

Push changes

Clone an existing repository

Fork an existing repository

Pull requests

Part 3: Introduction to Branching.

What is branching?

Create a branch

Switch between branches

Deleting branch

Part 4: Merging and Rebasing overview.

Merging branches

Resolving conflicts

Undoing a merge


When should you merge and when should you rebase?

Each part will be a different post. For now, let's dive into part 0.

You can read more by going to the "Intro to Git and GitHub" post on Tobiah Marks blog.