Storing SecureStrings Machine-Independently
As part of a brown bag, I extracted out the logic CredLocker uses to store credentials. Here’s the guts of the code.
The short form is unchanged from the Credlocker post, but I’ve cleaned it up.
- It prompts the user for a password if $Host.CredentialStoreCredential doesn’t exist, or if Get-CredentialStoreCredential –Force is called. This password is stored as a PSCredential NoteProperty to $Host.
- The credential store key is never stored in memory. It’s still an SHA256 hash, and is hashed each time it’s used from the password portion of $Host.CredentialStoreCredential, which is dynamically decrypted at time of use.
- The functions below don’t bother with how the names are stored, how password history is tracked, etc. They only deal with how text is encrypted and decrypted in such a way that it can be read across machines, but can only be read within the specific PowerShell window in which the user has already entered the credential store password.
function Get-CredentialStoreCredential
Prompts user for credential store password if not already set'
Prompts user for credential store password if not already set, or if -Force is specified. Stores the password in PSCredential form as $Host.CredentialStoreCredential. If $Host.CredentialStoreCredential is already set and -Force is not specified, does not prompt user.
.parameter Force
Prompts user for credential store password if already set'
param ([switch]$Force);
$Local:ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
if (!(Get-Member -InputObject $Host -Name CredentialStoreCredential))
Add-Member -InputObject $Host -Name CredentialStoreCredential -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $null -ErrorVariable err1;
if ($err1)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: $($err1.Exception.Message -replace '`r`n', ' ')";
} # if ($err1)
} # if (!(Get-Member -InputObject ...
if ($Force -or !$Host.CredentialStoreCredential)
$host.CredentialStoreCredential = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter Credential Store Password' -UserName 'NotApplicable' -ErrorVariable err1;
if ($err1)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: $($err1.Exception.Message -replace '`r`n', ' ')";
} # if ($err1)
} # if ($Force ...
if (!$Host.CredentialStoreCredential)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: Can't get Credential Store credential.";
} # if (!$Host.CredentialStoreCredential)
} # function Get-CredentialStoreCredential
function Get-CredentialStoreKey
Returns the 256-byte array credential store key.
The credential system relies on a 256-byte array key that is derived from the credential store password (stored as $Host.CredentialStoreCredential) as a SHA256 hash.
if (Test-Path "Function:Get-CredentialStoreCredential")
} # try
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: $(_.Exception.Message -replace '`r`n', ' ')";
} # catch
} # if (Test-Path ...
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: Can't get Credential Store key.";
} # if (Test-Path ... else
} # function Get-CredentialStoreKey
function ConvertTo-EncryptedString
Encrypts specified string of text.
Encrypts specified string of text with 256-byte array credential store key.
This key is the the same for the same credential store password, so this encrypted text can be decrypted by a different user, on a different machine.
The resulting encrypted string is of type [String].
.parameter PlainText
Text to encrypt with credential store key.
While ConvertTo-SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString works for long strings of text, it is not performant.
Please remember the output is of type [String], not [SecureString].
param (
[String]$PlainText = $null
if ($PlainText)
if ($PlainText.GetType().Name -eq 'String')
$Local:ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key (Get-CredentialStoreKey) -SecureString (
ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $PlainText -Force -ErrorVariable err1
) -ErrorVariable err2;
if ($err1)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: $($err1.Exception.Message -replace '`r`n', ' ')";
} # if ($err1)
if ($err2)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: $($err2.Exception.Message -replace '`r`n', ' ')";
} # if ($err2)
} # if ($PlainText.GetType().Name ...
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) Value '$PlainText' is not a string."
} # if ($PlainText.GetType().Name ... else
} # if ($PlainText)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) -Plaintext not specified."
} # if ($PlainText)
} # function ConvertTo-EncryptedString
function ConvertFrom-EncryptedString
Decrypts specified string of text.
Decrypts specified string of text with 256-byte array credential store key.
This key is the the same for the same credential store password, so text encrypted by a different user, on a different machine c can be decrypted with the same credential store password.
The resulting decrypte string is of type [SecureString] unless -AsPlainText is specified, at which point it is of type [String]
.parameter EncryptedText
Text to decrypt with credential store key.
.parameter AsPlainText
Output decrypted text as [string] (i.e. human readable plain text), not [SecureString]
[SecureString] by default. [String] if -AsPlainText is specified.
While ConvertTo-SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString works for long strings of text, it is not performant.
param (
[String]$EncryptedText = $null,
if ($EncryptedText)
$Local:ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
$secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -Key (Get-CredentialStoreKey) -String $EncryptedText -ErrorVariable err1;
if ($err1)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: $($err1.Exception.Message -replace '`r`n', ' ')";
} # if ($err1)
if ($AsPlainText)
} # try
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) failed: $($_.Exception.Message -replace '`r`n', ' ')";
} # catch
} # if ($AsPlainText)
} # if ($AsPlainText)...
} # if ($err1) ... else
} # if ($EncryptedText)
} # function ConvertFrom-EncryptedString