Set-ExecutionPolicy Fun
Hm, I'm surprised this isn't included Out-Of-The-Box. Let's say I have a new deployment of machines and I need to set the ExecutionPolicy for each of them. Now, assuming I'm a domain admin, I should be able to do it remotely:
Function Enable-PowerShell {
param (
[string]$computerName = $env:computerName,
[string]$mode = 'Unrestricted'
$modeHash = @{
'Unrestricted' = 'Unrestricted';
'RemoteSigned' = 'RemoteSigned';
'AllSigned' = 'AllSigned';
'Restricted' = 'Restricted';
'Default' = 'Default';
'Bypass' = 'Bypass'
if (!$modeHash[$mode]) {
Write-Warning ("-mode $mode is not valid. Valid modes are {0}" -f [string]::Join(", ", $modeHash.Keys));
return $null;
$mode = $modeHash[$mode];
trap { continue; }
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $computerName);
if (!$reg) {
Write-Warning "Unable to open remote registry on $computerName.";
return $null;
$key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell";
$regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey($key, $true);
if (!$regKey) {
Write-Warning "Unable to open registry key $key on $computerName.";
return $null;
$regkey.SetValue('ExecutionPolicy', $mode);
if ($regkey.GetValue('ExecutionPolicy') -ne $mode) {
Write-Waring "Unable to set PowerShell Execution Policy on $computerName to $mode";
return $null;