PowerShell ISE Environment Keyboard Shortcuts
It started with a simple question: is there a shortcut to go to the Console Pane in the ISE? A few web pages gave lists of shortcuts, but then this guy went the extra … parsec.
TL;DR: He scraped Microsoft.PowerShell.GPowerShell DLL for strings.
That left him with a [hashtable] of name/value pairs. I wanted something a little slicker, so I added a bit of output processing to turn it into a .CSV.
$OutputPath = "$home\Desktop\PshIseKeyboardShortcuts.csv"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
if (!$psISE)
Write-Error "This must be run inside PowerShell_ise.exe";
if ($DebugPreference -eq 'continue')
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.Exception.Message; $Host.EnterNestedPrompt();
$OutputFolder = Split-Path -Path $OutputPath -Parent
if (!(Test-Path -Path $OutputFolder))
New-Item -Path $OutputFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
if (Test-Path -Path $OutputPath)
Remove-Item -Path $OutputPath
# https://www.powershellmagazine.com/2013/01/29/the-complete-list-of-powershell-ise-3-0-keyboard-shortcuts/
# All shortcuts are contained in the ISE Microsoft.PowerShell.GPowerShell assembly (DLL).
# We first need to get a reference to that DLL.
$assemblyReference = $psISE.GetType().Assembly
# Next we create a ResourceManager object which provides access to the assembly resources.
# We pass it the name of the resource we want to access without the .resources extension,
#and the assembly containing the resources.
$resourceManager = New-Object System.Resources.ResourceManager GuiStrings, $assemblyReference
# All that’s left is calling the GetResourceSet() method to retrieve the resource set for a particular culture.
$resourceSet = $resourceManager.GetResourceSet((Get-Culture),$true,$true)
# Looking at the output we can see that the highlighted items value resembles key combinations.
# If you look at your output you will notice items with a name that ends with ‘Shortcut’ (with
# or without a trailing digit) and items that relates to Function keys. They start with F,
# followed by a digit or two and the word ‘Keyboard’. With the following line we can filter
# all keyboard related items and sort them out.
$shortcuts = $resourceSet |
? { ($_.Name -match 'Shortcut\d?$|^F\d+Keyboard') -and ($_.Name -notmatch 'KeyboardDisplayName') } |
Select-Object -Property @{
n = 'Shortcut';
e = {
$_.value -replace '\+', ' + ';
}, @{
n = 'Meaning';
e = {
$_.key -creplace "([A-Z])", " `$1" -creplace '([^F\d])(\d+)', "`$1 `$2"
} | Sort-Object -Property ShortCut |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $OutputPath
ii $OutputPath