One-Liner: Padding a Number with Leading Zeroes
I’m putting this here only because I’m tired of searching for it. How to pad an integer with leading zeroes is trivial.
1..16 | % { "{0:D2}" -f $_ }
And padding a float with trailing zeroes is more of the same:
$i = 2; (1..10) | % { "{0:F5}" -f $i; $i = $i / 2; }
Now, how about a [double] (floating point?) There may be better ways, but the only one that comes to mind is to do it string-wise:
function Format-Float
param (
[int]$IntMinimumDigits = 3,
[int]$FloatMinimumDigits = 3
foreach ($_inputFloat in $InputFloat)
[string]$intPortion = "{0:D$IntMinimumDigits}" -f (
[int]([string]$_inputFloat -replace '\..*')
[string]$floatPortion = (
"{0:F$FloatMinimumDigits}" -f $_inputFloat
) -replace '.*\.';
} # foreach ($_inputFloat in $InputFloat)
} # process
} # function Format-Float
Note that this outputs strings (the only way to keep the leading zeroes.