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Look at templates created by you

Why not share that great template you just created? Take a look at some of the templates our community members have submitted:

This list is by no means exhaustive; it's simply a sampling of customers like you who have uploaded their great templates to share with others. Spring is in the air. How about creating some Spring content and submitting it here?

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  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2008
    This area sure has been built out since I last visited.  We're going to submit a bunch of professional resume template designs.  It would be nice to see if the template has comments when you are browsing the search results.  Any way you can surface community feedback in a more consumable way...

  • Anonymous
    June 26, 2008
    We just added a new feature to our web site called "Community Tips." Click on any template and look for the "Community Tips" link. This feature is for you - so that you can add comments, ask questions, and give advice about using our templates to other Office Online visitors. Millions of people visit our site every day, and a lot of them come to use Templates. Your comments and questions could really help someone else, and you might end up learning something as well. We hope you'll jump in and join the conversation!

  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2009
    Trying to customize the template "revenue forecast" in Excel.  The template comes with 4 tabs, one is read me (which provides little assistance), a revenue forecast, calculations, and dashboard.  the revenue forecast tab comes with 41 lines, I added another 40, and can't figure out how to manipulate the DSUM to include my new lines of data in the calculation tab.  Went to IS Department, they couldn't figure it out.  Anyone have an idea, or where is the best place to post this information?  Never Blend

  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2009
    The comment has been removed