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DevOps – Hot topic at TechEd 2014 in Barcelona

TechEd Barcelona (Twitter tag #TEE14) is upon us in a few weeks. People at Microsoft, speakers and organizers as well, are working frantically on final preparations. Sessions are reviewed, final slides are prepared (that late?, well you know how it goes), keynote speakers have been announced, some equipment is shipping late… The list goes on and one. But I digress.

clip_image002One of the hot topics at TechEd this year will be DevOps. TechEd will have over 20 sessions focusing one way or the other on DevOps. Make sure to check out the TechEd Countdown Show episode about DevOps at TechEd. There are sessions for developers and for operations people (we call them IT Pros). One of the most exciting sessions at this year’s TechEd in Barcelona (BCN) is the DevOps pre-conference seminar PRC02. In case you have not yet registered for the session on Monday, day 0 of TechEd, or decided against going, I suggest you reconsider.

Interact with the DevOps team for TEE14 via Twitter hashtag #TalkDevOps.

At TechEd NorthAmerica we in ran two very successful pre-conference seminars for the DevOps interested audiences. One for developers, one for IT Pros. In Barcelona we changed it. True to the spirit of DevOps we combined the two audiences. We host one pre-conference seminar for DevOps, “Making a DevOps Transformation”.

The day will be led by a very experienced and knowledgeable team of developers and IT Pros. Attendees new to DevOps will learn how to get started with DevOps and how applying certain principles to the different stages of the software lifecycle can make their lives a lot easier.

More experienced audiences will find additional guidance and suggestions that might foster greater agility and better collaboration within the teams.

The day will be kicked off by Kurt Bittner from Forrester. Kurt Bittner is a leading expert on Agile and iterative software development approaches, including application life-cycle management (ALM). His intro focuses on the organizational and cultural shifts necessary to extract broader business value from software development processes.

Throughout the day the sessions will dive deep into the tools and products from Microsoft and how they support the people and processes. Open Source (OSS) tools play a significant role in DevOps and will play an important role during the day.

Following the software lifecycle model the day is broken up into 4 distinct sections:

Plan – Discover People, Process, and Product and each individual role during the DevOps transformation. In this section the team will define development, operations and other group's roles included in the application lifecycle and how to get to ship a product or feature by breaking down barriers between teams and through better collaboration.

Develop – See how infrastructure as code is one crucial foundation of DevOps which allows you to more effectively manage the changes to your applications and environments. We will show you how to make shipping a feature something you check off every time you finish your work.

Release – Deploying the software quicker with a higher quality enables you to show a better return to the Business. We will discuss what you need to do to support continuous deployment. Learn how to use the latest build features, as well as look at various deployment tools and its release management capabilities.

Operate– Learn how to employ mechanisms to discover running infrastructure, reduce the mean time to detect (MTTD) problems, as well as mean time to repair (MTTR) problems with the applications - passing valuable information back into the planning and development lifecycle phases. We will explore Application Performance Monitoring (APM), Global Service Monitor, as well as the preview of Application Insights.

Beyond the agenda, there will be plenty of time to interact with the speakers and other subject matter experts in the room. You should also use the time to interact with your peers. To make the day even more engaging and interactive we have planned a few fun things too. More about that at the event.

And if you can’t wait until TechEd, my team is running a Jump Start on Microsoft Virtual Academy “Azure Resource Manager”. This should be a good warm-up for the DevOps pre-conference seminar at TEE14 in BCN. See you there.

Have fun.



  • Anonymous
    October 07, 2014
    “TechEd Europe is the Microsoft premier technology conference for IT Professionals and Enterprise