VTUG wants your best Virtualization articles – Get Paid and Noticed!
This Virtualization User Group (VTUG) is looking for the best online technical content in the world. Why? Because our members spend hours upon hours doing research duplicating the research process literally millions of times! VTUG wants to aggregate the best content on our site so our members have a single place to go to get the best info about IT.
This is where you come in. If everyone of you found one, two, ten or twenty pieces of great content, we could have thousands of articles, webcasts, blog entries, presentations, etc. that are easy to access. This would cut down a huge amount of time for our members doing arduous research. So, we came up with what we thought was a pretty great idea - VTUG will develop a contest with some awesome prizes in which everyone who contributes great content will win
For more information go to: https://www.vtug.com/content-contest/