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Microsoft Student Partner Meeting at TechEd in Berlin (10.09.2009)

In the afternoon of our second day at TechEd in Berlin we had the great opportunity to get engaged with over 40 MSP’s from all over Europe and meet the Microsoft responsible for the education program in Europe and Corp. After a very warm welcome we had some really interesting speakers.

Holly Peterson, International Recruiting Manager (Corp.) explained all the possibilities students and graduates have to get an internship or a job inside Microsoft and provided us with some good tips for our CV. It really showed that Microsoft cares about the students.

After a short break we had a great presentation, or let’s say a spectacle, from Rob Miles who went from the famous (J) University of Hull to show us how to program games for the Zune with XNA Framework. If you like to know more about him and his work, visit his website

At the end of the MSP meeting we had the unique chance to get in touch with other people from MS Research and from Corp. and to ask them all the questions we ever wanted to ask them. This was a great opportunity and we all had a big benefit.

The day ended with a picture of all MSP’s, some beers and a lot of networking. We will enjoy continuing with the MSP’s party tomorrow. The link for the pictures will be available soon.

Best regards,

Adam Kortylewski and Raphael Bösch

Your Swiss MSP TechEd Blogging Team