SharePoint TeamSites Migration steps
This is to go through the steps involved in migrating SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 using database attach method. This article is very specific to the steps involved in the migration rather explaining how to build SharePoint 2010 farm or architecture of the migration.
Migrate SharePoint 2007 to SP2010
Before migrating the data, you must configure a new server or server farm with SharePoint 2010, the following information about permissions, hardware requirements, and software requirements.
- Ensure that you have met all hardware and software requirements. You must have a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. For server farms, you must also have a 64-bit version of SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008. For more information about these requirements (such as specific updates that you must install),
- Ensure that you are prepared to set up the required accounts by using appropriate permissions. For detailed information, see Administrative and service accounts required for initial deployment (SharePoint Server 2010).
- Run the pre-upgrade checker on your original environment. The pre-upgrade checker identifies potential upgrade issues in your environment so that you can address them before you upgrade. It can also help you identify settings that you need in your new environment. For more information, see Run the pre-upgrade checker (SharePoint Server 2010). It gives you a detailed report in the form of a html file and txt file which tells you about the warnings and errors if any which you have to take care before upgradation otherwise the upgrade may fail if all errors are not resolved.
In summary, you need to do the following
- Install SharePoint Server 2010 on the server or servers.
- Configure service applications.
- Configure general farm settings.
- Create and configure Web applications.
- Reapply customizations.
The planning or assessment has been the first step in a five-step upgrade process. This section contains a summary of phases and a breakdown of activities and estimates.
As part of this assessment a high-level upgrade plan has been developed, which provides next steps and rough estimates for the complete process.
This section contains the goals and activities of this assessment project.
- Perform an Assessment and get a clear picture of current state
- Get action items for closing gaps to be ready for upgrade
- Get high-level plan and estimate for 2010 upgrade
Task Name |
Conduct interviews and collect information |
Prepare Assessment report |
Planning |
- Select upgrade/migrate strategy
- To close gap between SharePoint 2007 deployment and 2010 upgrade requirements
- Re-factor and reorganize before migration
Task Name |
Prepare upgrade plan |
WinDiff 12 hive check |
Preupgradecheck |
Create Lab environments |
Create upgrade Test environment |
Prepare Customizations for upgrade |
Prepare Content for upgrade |
Testing changes |
Create a Test plan |
Training |
Update planning and risks |
- Find issues early
- To validate upgrade planning
- Perform test upgrades of content and customizations
- Upgrade performance
- Fix issues and planning
Task Name |
Build Test environment |
Test upgrade approaches |
Finalize Upgrade Plan |
- Update documentation
- Install and configure SharePoint 2010
- Establish business continuity management
- Perform upgrade
Task Name |
Plan |
Prepare dependencies |
Build preproduction environment |
Build production environment |
Perform upgrade (attach upgrade strategy) |
Post-upgrade |
Test |
- Perform final validation of upgrade
- Perform switch
- Release and communicate
Task Name |
Examine upgrade results |
Examine system events |
Execute UAT (Test Environment) |
Identify and fix final issues |
Switch to SharePoint 2010 |
Backup Site collections
Migration needs to happen in a batch. As part of the above planning session, you need to work with your project manager and team to identify the site collections to be included in each batch.
Site collection can be backup/restore or Export/import. If you are using lot of workflows and want to preserve the history, instances of it then Export/import will not work for you. Either way, before doing any backup/export, you need to change the content database in a "Read-only" mode.
To choose either Export or backup, please refer this
Note: You don't need to do the backup or export the site collection, but you can directly take the content database backup and attach it to the new SharePoint 2010 environment. However, I prefer to do this as I can have better governance (manage the quota and sites per db) on the new environment and as a cleaner approach.
Add Content database on your SP2007 test environment
Create content database on your SharePoint 2007 environment.
stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url "<>" -databasename "DatabaseName" -databaseserver "DbServer"
Using the restore command restore the site to the content db just added
stsadm –o restore –url –filename "y:\backup\site1.bak"
Fixing any errors
Go to the SharePoint 2010 environment.
Open the SharePoint Powershell Command prompt and execute the following command
Test-SPContentDatabase - Name "DatabaseName" -WebApplication > C:\migration\Log\result.log
Analyze the log file from Test-SPContentDatabase
Missing Feature
If you see "Missing Feature" and it is in your list, the site is probably in READ ONLY MODE.
You need to undo this.
- Copy the feature id from the log file
- Run the query in the database (Content Db created in the above steps)
- Select SiteId from Features where featureid = "xxxx-xxx-"
- Copy the siteid guid from the result
- Select * from webs where siteid = <siteidGuid>
- Copy the FullURL from the result
- Go to the SharePoint 2007 Test Environment
- Check the site has been locked
- Stsadm –o getsitelock –url test
- If locked – unlock it
- STSADM -o setSiteLock –url test -lock none
- Run the test-SPContentdatabase command again
If still getting the missing feature error, you just want to clean things - remove the feature. First you can uninstall the feature (it has to be there to uninstall it.)
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -help uninstallfeature
stsadm.exe -o uninstallfeature
{-filename <relative path to Feature.xml> |
-name <feature folder> |
-id <feature Id>}
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -o uninstallfeature -id aae8zef7-2xb9-c0d5-t960-jk156l837cde
You may get the following error
"Feature with Id 'aae8zef7-2xb9-c0d5-t960-jk156l837cde' is not installed in this farm. The feature was not uninstalled."
If the feature is not installed on the farm, and you want to force remove the feature you can run stsadm to deactivate the feature.
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -help deactivatefeature
stsadm.exe -o deactivatefeature
{-filename <relative path to Feature.xml> |
-name <feature folder> |
-id <feature Id>}
[-url <url>]
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>STSADM -o deactivatefeature -id aae8zef7-2xb9-c0d5-t960-jk156l837cde
You still may get the following error
The feature with Id ' aae8zef7-2xb9-c0d5-t960-jk156l837cde' is not currently installed. Use 'force' to deactivate it at this scope.
Adding "Force" parameter
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>STSADM -o deactivatefeature -id aae8zef7-2xb9-c0d5-t960-jk156l837cde -force
Operation completed successfully.
Deactiviting this feature aae8zef7-2xb9-c0d5-t960-jk156l837cde across all the web apps cleaned it up:
Now run the Test-SPContentDatabase command again - Our missing feature has been removed/deactivated (Dependency removed!).
Missing setup file
This error as suggests is due to the missing feature or solution. This issue can occur in all cases as the error could be referring to the themes, files, workflows, web parts and more. We need to find the file that references the missing setup file and then deal with it accordingly.
There are several ways of finding the missing features, but I find the following worked well for me.
Run the below query against the database by replacing the file URLs
select DirName, LeafName from alldocs where SetupPath in('Features\<Copy and paste the missing setup file object which complaints>")
The result will produce an output with DirName, and LeafName
In case, if you are clear from the "DirName" reported from the above output, you can also use the PowerShell to get the URL of the actual file causing the issue. This can achieved by the GUID represented in the missing setup file error
$File = $web.GetFile ([Guid] "x5xc66e7-y920-5a55-6c3d-5b6bc936104e")
Now you have to decide what to do with the file. Most of the times, I found that some of the features were not deactivated from the site prior to removing the solution from the farm. Depending on your situation, you can also delete that object from the site – if you feel that is not necessary for SharePoint 2010 environment going forward.
Missing web part
Run the below query
select AllDocs.SiteId,WebId,Webs.Title as 'Web Title', ListId, DirName,LeafName from AllDocs inner join WebParts on Alldocs.Id = Webparts.tp_PageUrlID inner join Webs on Alldocs.WebId = webs.Id where Webparts.tp_WebPartTypeId = '36f2680f-4855-f100-da5b-5dd1d07ae62b'
- Copy the DirName from the result
- Open IE à type the webapplication name (
- Append the DirName(Sites/Regional office/xyz)
- Copy LeafName from the result and append (/allitems.aspx)
- Add ?Contents=1
In IE Url should be like à office/xyz/allitems.aspx?contents=1
Delete the Error webpart.
Keep repeating the above steps with Test-SPContentdatabase until you see no errors.
Attach Content Database to SharePoint 2010
Detach the database from SharePoint 2007 Server from central administration.
Login to the SharePoint 2010 Server and launch the SharePoint Powershell command prompt and execute the below command.
Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name "DBNAME" -WebApplication "" -UpdateUserExperience
If you see the status of the database as "Database is upto date, but some sites are not completed upgraded"
- Get-SPContentDatabase -Identity <<Dbname>>
- Copy the ID(which is Guid)
- Upgrade-SPContentdatabase <<GUID>
- Confirm
On upgrade, if you get an error "Feature upgrade failed for Feature.." – it is because of the Orphan feature in SP2007. Again you need to make decision on those features either to fix it or delete it.
Also run the following command
Stsadm –o localupgradestatus
Make sure all Ok in that.
- Anonymous
March 05, 2015
Excellent Article :)